Hatter Glossary (Super abbeviated edition)

May 16, 2011 23:05

Oh man. This could get really long since there is... religion, man... but I will keep things simple. Hopefully. Otherwise we will all be here forever and that's just unnecessary, especially since I don't actually write for Hatter, I only RP hir.
ETA: This turned into more of a... character bio. Whoops.

Hatter is from the series Angel Sanctuary. Read it! Once you get past the creepy incest, it's pretty good. H-hah... no really.

Gender: God originally created Hatter as a female angel but she rejected gender and got herself a body to reflect that. The canon is intentionally vague/the writer is coy on this subject and does not reveal what the plumbing consists of. There's definitely something since xe has flashed people in canon and they were appropriately horrified/shocked/repulsed/annoyed... but who knows what it is. Slim shoulders like a female, slim hips like a male, flat chest... I use xe (she/he) and hir (him/her) as identifiers.

Hatter/Hell's Jester: The demon Belial and one of the Seven Satans (Pride). Xe is immensely powerful, immensely depraved, and immensely hilarious (thus the Mad Hatter persona). Xe was originally a fallen angel who sided with Lucifer but has devolved into one of the most powerful demons -- a General of Hell's army under the vice of Pride. Hatter proudly claims responsibility for Sodom and Gomorrah, which... should tell you something right there. Hatter is probably behind most of the conniving and clever-yet-convoluted schemes in Hell. Xe has hir fingers in everything, pulling strings and forever plotting. Hatter addresses hirself as "this one", usually (as in "this humble one came to show you one's new hat").

-Black feathers from hir wings can draw out and amplify negative emotions in others (including other supernatural beings).
-Can appear/jump between/dissolve into/travel using shadows (even from one layer of Hell to the other).
-Commands a whole undead army.
-Hir kisses (not necessarily on the lips!) imprint a sort of seal or spell in an individual (other supernatural beings included) which gives hir some power over them -- most often in the form of shoving a demon inside the victim and using it to control them to some degree, especially with Hatter's control coincides with some underlying or suppressed desire.
-...Very capable of violence.
-Various spells, seals, and charms. Able to change hir appearance, others' appearances, and has some ability to heal (xe healed Kira's stab wound) when it's in hir own best interest.
-Some claim that Hatter's presence taints a room and that after xe leaves it must be purified.

Lucifer and Brides and Masochism: A brief summary -- Hatter is in love with Lucifer but since xe cannot have him, xe finds brides for him instead. Healthy right? Masochism runs deep in this one and goes even further because Hatter loves that Lucifer condemns, scornfully debases, and spits upon hir.

Heaven and Hell: There are seven layers of Heaven, then Earth, and finally seven layers of Hell. Hatter resides in the lowest layer, reserved for Lucifer and his seven Generals. As the layers get closer to Earth, the beings are a little less black and white and a little more "human". However in this story, Heaven is not squeaky clean -- there are a lot of corrupt angels and "necessary evils" -- horrible things that have to happen for the "right purposes". Just as in Hell,  some of the demons... aren't so bad. The line of good and evil often gets nudged around.

The War: Between the angels in Heaven and when Lucifer was banished. Hatter was actually the angel of Virtue (hahahaha) before the fall. She was terrible at that post.

Butterflies: A trademark for Hatter. It's said that their beauty could lure anyone in but the dust on their wings was a poison. Lucifer commented on the comparison with Hatter when they first met (in Heaven, before The War), saying she spread her wings for anyone. ...Though you know, she was "properly wearing a garter belt and hat" during that exchange with the Demon Lord, so...

Taboo Sex in Heaven: Sex is banned for heavenly angels, though before Hatter fell xe did a pretty good job of fucking everyone up (link is safe for work, I promise). Literally. Xe schemed and encouraged carnal relations between the angels, inserting hirself in the equation when necessary. Since the war and subsequent Heavenly Body split, sex is still taboo and illegal. Not that it stops a good number of them -- most notably Raphael, one of the Archangels. If offspring are produced then the child is killed and the parents have their wings ripped off (the most brutal punishment and worse than death) -- though in layers of Heaven closer to Earth, there are communes and cities where the offspring and parents can hide, if they get away. ...However sometimes those areas are "cleansed".

Other Characters: Hatter is a secondary character. A comprehensive list of the others can be found here.

Markings and Wardrobe: Hatter has a butterfly tattoo on hir upper thigh (at least that's the only place mentioned or visible, heh) and generally dresses like a campy 90's fetishest. Boots, leather, long skirts, lingerie, bondage inspired gear, short shorts, netted stockings, garter belts, fluffy bowties and sleeves, hats ranging from jester-inspired (complete with bells) to tophats, Mad Hatter wear, men's cut suits, parasols made of feathers, and... more. Hatter also wears costume makeup most of the time -- a white face with eye makeup and painted lips. And turns hir feathered boas into... real snakes (for nefarious purposes, usually).

Trolling: Hatter did it to Heaven so xe'll will do it to you. There will be likely badtouch and unsafe interaction. "What do you want? What do you crave? Let this humble one help~~"  It is most fun for hir if xe can get you to do something you don't want (but probably secretly do ♥). Hatter will also go after an innocent if it means something to one of hir "enemies". But xe likely won't do all that right out of the gate... There will be dancing around and verbal sparring until xe figures out your buttons. Rarely will Hatter do something without purpose (though... that purpose can certainly be "for the lulz") just to be a dick -- xe would have to be really really bored. Just because xe's capable of it, doesn't mean xe'll do it. But really, it's a lot of fun for hir if xe gets people/beings to fall off their pedestals and succumb to their more base desires and carnal pleasures. Sort of a "Fuck you -- see how easily I can get your beloved playthings to stray? See how happy they are?" to God.


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