Charloft Sunday RP: What We're Made Of (Isaac)

May 08, 2011 09:30

Tonight, someone wants to know what you're made of

Isaac was coming to slowly.  Most of his body was sore and at first his vision was hazy.  His mouth felt as though cotton balls had been jammed into it sucking out all his saliva.  He was laying on something hard and cold.  He moved slowly at first, trying to get his aching limbs to do what he wanted.  As he did memory began to come back to him.  He'd been attacked, or ambushed.  Men in black suits and cars had rushed him, wrestled him and finally had tazed him into unconsciousness.  Men in black suits.  Isaac groaned, pressing his hands to his eyes wishing this had been nothing but a strange alcohol induced nightmare.  Only, he hadn't been drinking the night before.  He'd been stone cold sober at the conclusion of the job.  A job, Isaac was just coming to realize, had been nothing but a lure to get him out in the open.

"Those sons of bitches." He rasped hoarsely.  "The first time wasn't enough?"  He remembered the first time he'd been a guest at a facility like this.  It had not been a pleasant stay.  At least this time he wasn't naked and strapped down to a table with needles and tubes running in and out of him.  As his vision cleared and he could get a better baring on where he was, he found himself in a small cell that reminded him of the kennels dogs and cats were put in at pet stores, only taller so that a normal human could stand.  The corridor just beyond the metal mesh door was brightly light and he could see other cells.  They were all dark within, like his, and he couldn't see if they were occupied.  If they were, he could hazard that they would be with other demons like him.  Or maybe aliens.  Or...well, god only could guess what.

What were they planning on this time? He wondered.  Were they going to slice him open and take another look at his guts in an attempt to learn what it is that makes a demon and a demon; what gives him his ability to control shadows and light?  Would they test him, study him like some lab rat the way Blake had once described them doing to him?  Isaac let out a long breath, cursing the situation.

How the hell was he going to get out of here?

hashibasarrow, rp

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