11.05.06 Remembering Mom

May 06, 2011 14:27

Oh, huh.  Memories of my mom, eh.  It's not like I don't have any, I mean mom raised us and all, I just don't think about it much anymore.  I got over being homesick, you know, and it's not like anybody's asked.  And anyway, I was just a kid, eh?  Don't really pay attention to your mom when you're little.

So my mom. Let's see, she was a lieutenant in the guard, and she was a Twaen before she got married, and her name is Judy.

I saw Mom cry once, when one of my brothers died.  I was at school for a soccer game when my next brother died and my sister died while I was offplanet so I don't know if she cried for them.  She didn't cry for my dad but I didn't either.  But yeah, when Sammy died, she was real upset, eh?  We got his tags in the mail and she just sat down on the couch and cried.  Us kids made dinner and the neighbors came over to help, and then I wasn't allowed to play outside for a week.

She was always pretty worried about us playing outside even before Sammy bit it.  She'd wig out if we didn't make sure she knew exactly where we were all the time.  When I did soccer tryouts I forgot to tell her that morning and she came to the school like fifteen minutes after I was supposed to be home, with all my brothers and sisters in the van, and about flipped a shit on me when she saw me in the field.

She's, like, a real nice mom though, eh?  Always sent care packages on every mail call - still does, even.  Cookies and ses.  She grows the best ses in the neighborhood, too.  And when I was back on Cadia for that, like, medal thing, she came all the way from Tronno to Kasr Derth even though she couldn't go to the actual medal thing, to visit me in the hotel they stuck me in while they got their paperwork or whatever done.  Said she was proud of me and gave me a box full of butter tarts and ses.

So yeah, that's my mom.



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