{Wednesday} ~ How to draw ...

Apr 14, 2011 18:51

Some folks are amazing artists. Others are lucky if they can draw a stick figure. But one thing holds true no matter what your current level of drawing ability- the more you practice drawing, the better you get! So let's practice. And lets share some knowledge while we're at it.

Give us a drawing lesson. Make a post teaching us step by step (with illustrations of the process, if you like, or just written out instructions) how to draw something. It can be as simple as an apple, or complex as a street scene or cartoon character. Or teach us about a favorite shading technique, or how to do perspective.

Then go around and try some of the drawing instructions other people have posted. Leave a comment on their post telling them how you did, or linking to a picture of your work.

Muse: Alice Liddell
Canon: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Words: 131
{{OOC: Entirely meta/OOC, as my Wednesday Graphics occasionally are. (Also, Alice!muse is off in a corner somewhere with her sketchbook, facepalming over my lack of art skills.) After doing this prompt, I have a much greater respect for people who make digital graphics. I didn't feel like getting my printer/scanner out of its box & setting it up again, so I tried drawing this in GIMP. Using my laptop's touchpad was far too frustrating, so I borrowed a mouse-it still didn't turn out how I would have liked. (Incidentally, this is one reason why the extent of my graphics making isn't much more than cropping & adding text.) }}

Are you sitting comfortably? Have you a drawing implement & something to draw upon? Good, then we’ll begin. Today's lesson is on drawing cloud sheep (which I first encountered on a pair of pyjama bottoms).

1.) First, draw a cloud shape. This will be your sheepy's body.

2.) Next, draw an oval on one end for its head.

3.) Atop the oval, add a smaller cloudy shape for a wooly sheep head.

4.) Now, add stick legs, a dot for an eye, and a teeny cloud shape/fluff for a tail. (You could also add a mouth if you wish, but I can never get them to turn out right.)

5.) Congratulations, you have drawn a cloud sheep! You might now wish to add some lovely scenery-or some grass for your cloud sheep to nom. ^_^


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