This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife! (3/13/11)

Mar 13, 2011 17:28

Well, this is a strange twist...

Thornton gingerly stands up, brushing grit off his tweed suit - Lord, he doesn't fancy explaining that to Lisa - and squnting around in the bright sunlight. He rubs his head, which feels ten sizes too small for his brain. The hangover doesn't exactly narrow the list of suspects, but explains a bit of how he decided to come here. Wherever here is.

He's standing on an apartment building, though judging by the Hummer that just pounded by, it's not 1935 any more. Or New York City, for that matter, as he glares at the PINpoint on his wrist.

On top of that, he feels like he could eat a bear, and it'd make more sense to find the ground before he tries to go anywhere.

At least there's stairs...

The door swings open easily, and he quietly makes his way down the stairs towards what hopefully is the exit. If he's really lucky, he won't meet anyone on the way...


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