[Monday] Valentine

Feb 07, 2011 19:57

1. Are your characters involved in romantic relationships? Did these develop organically, or did you work them into the plot?
Bobby was involved in a relationship that evolved organically.  It also blew up organically.  The one he's involved in now started out as an NPC and then one of the best players I've had the pleasure of meeting picked up the character and made her a PC.  I am terrible with NPC relationships and I think the best ones (whether they end badly or flourish) are the ones that are organic.

2. How much detail to you put into their romantic lives? Do you fade to black, or could you make an erotica writer blush? Somewhere in between?
Smut is not my favorite thing, but sometimes it's good.  So I think I fall somewhere in between.

3. Do you prefer to write both partners in the relationship, or do you co-write with someone? What are the pros and cons of this method for you?
I've only really ever co-written.  Like I said above, I am terrible with NPCs.  The pros are that the play is just much more enriching for me and my character.  I've discovered he thrives on interaction.  The cons, of course, are almost the same as being in an OOC relationship.  A lot of the same issues can arise.

4. Do you think romance is an important part of a well-rounded character's life, or would you rather skip to the action? How do you balance romance time with a character's overall plot?
I'm bad at balancing, but I think romance is a very important part of the plot.

5. Do your characters have any failed relationships? How did those breakups affect their development?
He has a couple that failed kind of as backstory/NPC relationships and those didn't factor into his development much.  The relationship that failed organically had a huge, HUGE impact on his development.  He isn't and won't ever be the same guy he was when the relationship started.  He made so many changes in his life that there's no going back.  I'd compare it to a butterfly, but...he's more like a moth.

6. Do you tend to write your characters as any particular sexuality (hetero/homo/bi/pan/trans whatever)? What is the reason for it?
My characters are all hetero and I think that's because I am, too.  I just have no interest in the other orientations.

7. Have any characters ever developed romantic relationships, or made relationship choices that surprised you? How did that work out?
He's pretty predictable.

8. How romantic minded are your characters? Are relationships important to them, are they more interested in casual flings, or do they avoid it all together?
He thinks he's more interested in flings and hookups and things of that nature, but he's horribly needy and basically needs to be involved with someone.  He's still not the most romantic guy on the planet and really needs a companion in his life.

9. How faithful are your characters in their relationships? Do they cheat? Are they cheated on? Would they make an episode of Cheaters look tame?
It depends on who his significant other is at the time.  If he respects her and wants to be with her for a long time, he's faithful.  But if he's just using her as a hole in a mattress, he'll stray.  He got caught doing it once and it really taught him a lesson, however, it still depends on the relationship.

10. Is your character (or has your character ever been) married? Did the marriage result in children if so? How is their family life?
He was married and they had three kids together.  They're divorced now and the kids got split up.  Just by the nature of having split up their kids, the family life is crappy to non-existent.  Both parents make it work, but I assume things could be better on her end as well as his.

11. What would your character consider the ideal romantic evening? The best romantic gift?
I think just a night alone with the woman of his choice.  You know, the kinds of nights parents give up.


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