Twosday: Head or Heart

Jan 25, 2011 18:53

Do you tend to use your head or follow your heart?

Heheh, probably my heart. It is sometimes a very bad thing. I have made many problems for myself because of it -- my mouth, it more or less has a mind of its own. It talks without thinking first. Most of my decisions are made very fast, without looking at what will happen in the end. I say and do and act act act, very little analyzing. Some of the decisions, I am very proud of them. Others... not so much. I think that if I were to slow down and take the time I need to think then I would make better choices more often.

The very obvious bad example would be when I upset my family. My temper is more or less very bad and sometimes I say things I should not, or antagonize people when it is not necessary. I push my brother with my words and end up causing him to react very badly -- now my vision is very bad. It is my fault for letting my emotions control me. It is also a bad example for others -- I do not want my cousins, nieces, nephews, younger siblings to do these things and have these consequences. Best to think first and act second.

But it is more or less very very hard!


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