Munday: Lucy's Average Life

Jan 17, 2011 15:49

There are only 24 hours in a day-- unless you happen to live in a world with longer or shorter than 24 hour days. How do your chars spend theirs?

Does your char keep a day (or night, for vampires) timer? Do they map out their appointments every week, or keep track of important dates in ball point pen on their hand?

Does your char like to plan out their days/weeks/months well in advance, or go with the flow?

Give us a glimpse into a full day of your char's life, from waking until they finally fall into bed.

Lucy's definitely more of a "go with the flow" girl -- she likes seeing where life will take her, and she tends to move around a lot. And her schedule changes dramatically depending on whether or not she's working in a play or in a job trying to pay the bills. If she needs to keep track of something, she'll write it out on her calendar or on a handy scrap of paper. Her current situation is one where she temporarily has enough cash in the bank account to cover everything and she's settled in an apartment, so. . . .

7:00 A.M. -- Wake up, have breakfast, shower, get dressed
7:45 A.M. -- Leave the apartment and go to the local Starbucks for a cup of coffee and a little light conversation with a couple of regulars
8:10 A.M. -- Do some window-shopping and check out any message boards for anything that might interest her (she's found a couple of plays through flyers) -- also, this is most likely when she'll hit someone with a flash of inspiration
9:30 A.M. -- Back to the apartment to check up on her favorite websites and see how her plants are doing
11:00 A.M. -- Lunch is cooked and consumed (or searched out if she really doesn't feel like making anything)
12:00 P.M. -- Practice time with the violin, then some time listening to the radio
1:30 P.M. -- Either TV or a work-out DVD, depending on how she feels
2:45 P.M. -- If she chose the work-out tape, this is when she takes a shower and goes to veg out for a bit
4:30 P.M. -- another check on the computer, and deciding what she's going to do for the evening
5:00 P.M. -- If she's staying in, she starts cooking dinner about this point. If she's going out, she maybe changes her clothes to suit her destination and heads on out
5:30 P.M. -- If in, dinner. She usually gets something to eat about this time while she's out too, but depending on where she went, that can change.
9:00 P.M. -- If she's been in, she's been playing games on the computer, watching TV, reading a book, working on some music, or doing whatever to fill the time. If out, she's probably visited a (cheap) club and/or caught some live music and is getting in
10:00 P.M. -- Last e-mail/website check, some TV or a book
11:00/11:30 P.M. -- In bed so she can try and get about 8 hours of sleep -- although, if she gets distracted or hit with inspiration herself, she can easily be up past midnight

Nothing too exciting, though, as mentioned, when she's working, things tend to be a little more hectic. She sees quiet days like these as a nice break from the craziness.


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