Prompt for charloft: Wed- Wish

Jan 06, 2011 10:16

Post a picture that represents a wish you have for the upcoming year.

I wish that Wes would smile again. I haven't seen him smile in such a long time, that I'm starting to wonder what it looks like. He's going through a lot of shit right now and he might not think that there is much to smile about. However, I wish that he would find happiness again and smile.

Oh, and I want none of those other smiles. I don't want the 'I'm being forced to smile' or the smile that doesn't even make a dent on his face. I don't want the fake smile. I want a full on, ear to ear, happy toothy smile.

Thankfully, I have pictures to help remind me (and him) of happier times.

Muse: Aidan Janson


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