Jan 04, 2011 21:09
What were your writing achievements in 2010?
I'm extremely proud of the fact that I outlined the last half of my novel and got a good start on it courtesy of Nano. However, it took twists and turns during that month and inserted plot bunnies that found a home. I would like to say that I've accomplished more on it since the end of November, but sadly, I have not. Some day soon…yes.
The year as a whole was a slow year in regards to working on new plots in my novel, mostly because I wasn't sure what path to take. What I did manage to do though is a lot of editing and feeling very good about the early parts of my novel.
I also was very pleased with myself and the 100 drabbles for the summer challenge.
What are your writing resolutions for 2011?
Short-term: To begin my winter bingo card.
For the year: To drag my muse back from having too much fun over the holidays and get back to work on my novel.