Home is where the piles are.

Nov 29, 2010 18:01

Are you neat/organized or messy/cluttered? Or do you fall somewhere in between on the spectrum?

I can see the floor in places when left to my own devices. Sometimes. Things tend to wind up in piles, or groupings according to function. I understand my system. It gets me in trouble sometimes at work because the station manager gets pissed off when I leave things a mess after my shift. But hey, I need an acceptable level of clutter to work in. I can't function when things are too neat.

Since Annie's moved in with me, my apartment is a lot neater. That's all her doing. She's got these crazy things she does sometimes, like mopping and vacuuming (there's actually enough floor visible to do these things. And I didn't even know we owned a vacuum! maybe she bought it?) and she does LAUNDRY. Even mine! She's like a domestic goddess.

I still have some piles of things - like my sheet music, and my collection of classic records that needs to someday be somewhere other than randomly thrown into milk crates -- but for the most part the place definitely has Annie's touch.

I kind of complain about it sometimes, how I can't find anything because everything's put away somewhere. But really, it's not so bad. A guy could get used to shit like this.


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