Give Me Liberty, Or I'll Give You Death

Jul 05, 2010 13:56

The 4th of July is nearing. In honor of that have a lovely, oft repeated Ben Franklin quote:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Today's question is, which do you value more, your freedom or your security? This can be a political opinion, an employment opinion, a relationship opinion, however you wish to interpret it.

Liberty was an unknown during my time on Gallifrey. For all of their posturing and posing, the elders and controllers of our society limited the freedom of all, with their pompous decrees of correct behavior. Their "morals" and "standards" were nothing more than blatant attempts to restrict us all, so that we never became more than they were. If we were free to explore, to grow, we would have been able to dominate them, and that challenge was something that they could never accept. Thinking outside the box, challenging the status quo, fighting against the bonds? Those behaviors led to punishment, whether disapproval or exile. They were not leaders, but autocratic robots, incapable of seeing the benefits to research. They were afraid of anyone breaking free, being more than they ever could be, and they crushed the spirit and fire from anyone who dared to voice an opinion that wasn't a parroting of their own. In doing so, they did not elevate Time Lords to a superior position, but only presented a false mystic that lesser beings and societies found convincing. This, of course, is why they became extinct.

They tried to restrain my freedom, and when they could not, they exiled me. Both the Doctor, and the Master, sought to control me, each in their own fashion. Neither one succeeded. Now, I am free of the piety, the false morality, the concern for miserable races and outdated values. I am free to be myself, and to grow as I see fit, using whatever means suit me. That might mean using methods that others disapprove of, but I do not care. My freedom is in my laboratory, and with my TARDIS, there is no one and nothing that can stop me.

The Rani
Doctor Who


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