{Munday} ~ Drabble survey

Jun 28, 2010 13:26

Today's post is for all our 100 drabbles of Summer participants! Answer as many or as few questions as you'd like.
(Yes, it’s the Munday prompt from *last* Monday ...)

1. How many drabbles have you completed so far?
Fourteen. Though I have a few thoughts/scenarios/notes written down for at least five more. (Gah! I’m so far behind. As usual.)

2. Which is your favorite? (link us, or include it in your post)
Probably the drabble for Picture of a palm tree (Prompt 67). (I really must do more wee!Alice & younger!Alice drabbles.) I also rather like Stitches & Run.

3. Have you learned anything new about your character(s) through drabbling?
Yes! I’ve been filling in rather a bit of Alice’s backstory (I also ought to figure out a timeline for some of these drabbles as I’ve been jumping about in time.) Likewise, Alice seems to have occasional bouts of melancholy. I don’t blame her, but I hadn’t realised it before.
(See “Truth” or “Last time you were late” here

4. Would you like to receive some author's choice suggestions? (Tell us about your characters / link to a bio for specific suggestions)
Yes, please! Alice’s still-in-progress profile/bio can be found here. Or general prompty suggestions would also be lovely. ^_^

5. What's the hardest part(s) about drabbling?
Getting the drabble started when I have a prompt/scenario in mind. Also, paring things down to 100 words. I think I’ve only had one drabble that came out to said number before editing.

6. Have any of your drabbles sparked ideas for longer pieces?
Somewhat? I’ve written a two-part drabble (Picture of a Frog/AC Campfire story) and have a three-part story in mind as well. Another one will be the first post in a musebox game I still have in the planning stages.

7. Do you have any suggestions / comments regarding 100 Drabbles of Summer? (features /posts you'd like to see, etc)
I actually didn’t notice that the Drabble Challenge is held over 99 days. ::facepalm:: Perhaps a prompt suggestion post since people seem to be having difficulties with the Author’s Choice section? Or maybe a drabble-rec post where people link to their favourite drabbles?


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