Drabble roundup for 6/19/2010

Jun 19, 2010 03:42

Daily Drabble Round-up for Day Eighteen of the 100 Drabbles Of Summer (6/19/2010)

All participants post your drabbles here as a comment!

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island_juliet, bloodypradas, grr_arr_brains, witchwaytohell, french_in_fur, gunpowderwolf, thewatchmaker, factiousfiction, x_disturbed_x, candycornwitch, falcons_honour, deadwhitemale, 100 drabbles, roundup

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Ranulf Haas - #79 - Run (Author's Choice) (41/100) gunpowderwolf June 19 2010, 23:06:47 UTC
Most people would run away from a 23-foot walking column of fire. Ranulf had never claimed to be most people, and indeed, he found himself running towards it.

His fingertips had elongated into claws, his teeth too large and sharp for his jaw, bloody drool wetting his chin. He snarled as ran, laughing like a madman, his green army uniform stripped to the waist.

He could feel his heart growing larger, his lungs stretching as he pushed his body to the limit. The moon was close, but his target was closer, and Ranulf welcomed the burn as he embraced hell.


Ranulf Haas - #47 - A Summer Sport (42/100) gunpowderwolf June 19 2010, 23:08:39 UTC
Ranulf stared at the television, slack jawed, eyes wide. There was no way. Not…not Serbia.

“Well…” Etienne cleared his throat, glancing up at his uncle, somewhat gingerly. Geoffrey had already left the room, and there was the distinct sound of pavement being punched outside. “That was…”

“Embarrassing,” Ranulf answered for him, resisting the urge to put his fist through the television screen.

Etienne nodded, looking towards the door, considering his escape route before answering once again.

“At least it won’t be quite as embarrassing if we lose to Ghana.”

Ranulf turned, and his eyes glowed yellow. Etienne grinned, and ran.


Ranulf haas - #41 - Run In With The Neighbours (46/100) gunpowderwolf June 19 2010, 23:09:24 UTC
“Let me take it…” Ranulf hissed, his legs tight with anticipation. The heavy hand of his adopted father laid on his shoulder, firm and unyielding.

“No,” Ghislain growled, leaning down, his mouth close to Ranulf’s ear. “Not yet. You have to wait.”

Ranulf rolled his eyes, teeth grinding, jaw aching. He watched the rabbit closely, nostrils flaring, lupine senses going into overload. He jerked forward, snapping a twig beneath his feet, and then yelled in exasperation as the rabbit tore away into the woods.

Ghislain snapped his bony hand against the back of Ranulf’s head, sighing and turning away.



Ranulf Haas - #40 - Breakdown (49/100) gunpowderwolf June 19 2010, 23:10:05 UTC
It had taken too long to get to this point. Two wars, three continents, dozens of countries. Decades had passed, and only now was Ranulf finding how low his despair could take him.

He sat in the only chair he had bothered to bring with him, staring at the fireplace, the only source of light in the small cabin. Amon nuzzled his hand, whining softly, but Ranulf remained unresponsive.

The bottle of whiskey in his hand was bone dry, but by morning it would be shattered against the wall. Ranulf had let himself become a broken man, isolated, and alone.


Stella Black - #24 - Shore (44/100) bloodypradas June 19 2010, 23:10:54 UTC
Stella wrapped the shawl tightly around her shoulders, looking out over the ocean. It was bitterly cold, the wind nipping at her bare legs, her toes growing numb as they dug into the wet, black sand.

The moon was coming. She could feel it in her bones, in her skin, throbbing in her blood. Her ribs were beginning to ache, willingly splintering as they anticipated the enlarging of her heart. She pushed the feelings away, however, and looked down at the lapping waves.

The moon was indeed coming, she knew that much, but now was time to appreciate her humanity.


Stella Black - #30 - Stitches (47/100) bloodypradas June 19 2010, 23:11:33 UTC
“This is disgusting, and I cannot believe I am doing it…” Stella winced, dragging the thread through the filthy skin of Geoffrey’s forehead. He, on the other hand, seemed completely unphased by his wound.

“Quit your whining, it’s just a scratch, It’ll heal up by the time the moon rolls around,” he replied, glancing up at her, laughing at the look on her face. Her stomach turned, and she jabbed the needle into his scalp with a little unnecessary roughness.

“Why, exactly, did you let Ranulf hit you in the face with a sledgehammer?”

Geoffrey grinned. “Thought it’d be fun.”


Miyole Sitota - #32 - Road Trip (48/100) witchwaytohell June 19 2010, 23:12:31 UTC
The sun was a force unto itself, scalding the earth to the point of a lava flow. Miyole took another swig from the bottle at her hip, long leg exposed and only just touching the side of the road.

A pickup pulled over in a cloud of dust, and she lowered her sunglasses to take a better look at her traveling companion.

“Need a ride?” he asked, sharp fangs catching the sun. Miyole snorted. A daywalker. Wonderful.

“Only if your tank is already full, stud,” she replied, gesturing to her neck. The vampire laughed, reaching over and unlocking the door.


Chad Steinhagen - #20 - Dawn (43/100) grr_arr_brains June 19 2010, 23:13:23 UTC
Chad swore, his knees skidding against the linoleum. He upended the bottle of Dawn dish soap again, scrubbing hard at the red brown stain slowly vanishing on the floor before him.

Fuck fuck fuck. He hadn’t meant to drop the plate, and he really didn’t remember kidneys having such a tendency to, well, explode on contact like that. It was so upsetting, he’d really been looking forward to what little human produce he could gather. Thank god for zombie fetishists and bathtubs full of ice.

He groaned, sloshing soap over the stain. What a waste. What a terrible, terrible waste.


Jon French - #25 - The Last Time You Loved (45/100) french_in_fur June 19 2010, 23:14:29 UTC
“I’m not entirely sure I believe you, Mr. French…”

Jon laughed, plucking a card from his hand and sliding it across the table. He flipped it, and Will rolled his eyes. Card games were not his forte.

“What’s not to believe, mm? Is it so outlandish a proposal?”

Will smirked, and Jon leaned forward. The boy was beautiful in his mistrust, his brow wrinkling as he tried to decipher the truth.

“I can’t see you in an Army Uniform. It’s so…filthy.”

Jon laughed again, louder this time, and inclined his head.

“I assure you, my boy, my uniform was spotless.”


Jon French - #81 - Seed (Author's Choice) (50/100 Halfway, woohoo!) french_in_fur June 19 2010, 23:16:35 UTC
Jon sat at his desk, considering the paper before him. There was a tiny inkling of fear, yes, but not for himself. There was no human alive that could do him any harm, he knew as much. There was some concern for the rest of his family, however.

Porter city. A terribly desperate act by woefully desperate mankind. It was laughable, the concept that they could lock their fears away, throw away the key.

Jon smirked, flipping open his cellphone. Oh, yes. He had to get in on this. From the ground floor, he could sow any seed he desired.

(All can be found here and please note, some contain gore, sex, violence and objectionable content!)


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Re: Ranulf Haas - #40 - Breakdown (49/100) gunpowderwolf June 27 2010, 00:24:26 UTC
Thank you so much!


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