Occupied Paris picnic list

Mar 06, 2010 15:48

To bring:

1. wine (not Occitan)

2. that thing with the sausage (from the cafe, wrapped carefully in waxed paper that will doubtlessly leak halfway there)

3. some very 'fragrant' French cheese (from that laiterie M-P recommends )

4. a crusty French bread

5. no snails (a very important ingredient in all French picnics)

6. a cloth to spread

7. two glasses

8. two forks

9. a basket to contain these things

10. Frollo (the motorcycle so named)

11. Myself ('driving' said motorcycle, which considering my skill with such, is more like operating with blind faith that we will not crash or hit anything too valuable or troublesome)

12. Käse ( the other 'cheese', he in the sidecar holding all this nonsense as we drive to find a spot outside the city proper to consume this veritable feast)

13. Lo demai aquò rai , as he has taught me to say.


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