Mundane Monday

Sep 27, 2009 21:37

For this prompt, tell us something (or somethings!) that you know about your character(s) which they themselves are not aware of. Bits of backstory, their eventual fate, things they are maybe in denial about.... anything and everything!

For Wholelotofrosie
Rosie is a stalker. She never admits it and doesn't ever consider herself such but she is. Rosie followed Jonna around to the point that she began sneaking backstage and into his hotel rooms. She did not give Jonna the choice of not having her around. She also acts very poorly to other women becoming to clingy or attentive to Jonna.

She has a tendency to become this way with any male she feels close to. Psychologically it is linked to the fact that Rosie's own father ignored her existence and still does. She demands the attention of males that she wants attention from. Usually her means are subtle and she isn't aware she is doing it most of the time.

A lot of people, even Rosie herself, see her as a normal girl with no real problems but she has some serious behavioral/psychological flaws that lurk just under the surface. I can totally see her abusing or if she felt hurt enough killing a woman if Jonna's affection ever roamed elsewhere.

For sacredeyes
Oh here's the big secret finally out of the bag for this muse.

Peninnah believes she was cursed by God because of the pain she endures in her new body. She tells others she's been punished because she believes she failed her duties as a protector.

The truth is she is not being punished. Her priest in Bath was killed during WWII but when she mourned his death she was changed. It was to be more human so that she could show that love and kindness to humanity. This was something she couldn't do in her lion-esque form. God changed her form not as a punishment but as a gift so she could be there for others.

Peninnah may never know this is the truth. It is likely no one but God him/herself will know this reason for her change.

For malcolmeffect
Right now. Ian does not know if he will get to keep his daughter. He doesn't know if his career will be ruined. He doesn't know if Ja'nee will just disappear against her will. He doesn't know if his leg will heal. He is utterly pessimistic and fearful of the future and commitment.

I can say with all confidence that his life is heading for something better than his past. He's probably never going to lose his view of everything falling toward total destruction but he will get a chance to be happy.

For _call_me_snake_
Snake's life is totally up in the air from his perspective. He doesn't know what's going on from moment to moment but Snake has learned to go with the world and what it throws at him.

So secrets about Snake... Snake is absolutely insane. Most people don't notice it and he's good at hiding it but he questions his own sanity. The big secret for Snake that explains so much is that he has no time reference. Yesterday, today, 6 years ago... every day since the war feels like right now for him. He can't tell the difference between conversations. He just files them mentally by person and they all seem like they've just happened. He's got a photographic memory and this is a common problem for someone with severe PTSD and such a good memory. It also explains why he is so good at what he learns. It's all like he just learned it. Things aren't all good either. He can never get past trauma. The grieving process needs time to pass and for him it never does. Every trauma is a permanently raw wound. Every person in his life that has died.. it's like they all died last night for him. It makes him insane and always ready to crack.

sacredeyes, malcolmeffect, wholelotofrosie, call_me_snake

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