Thursday-Pick a Drabble

Jun 16, 2009 07:53

I'm a little late with this, but I've had internet issues.

1. Playful!
2. Murderous!
3. Flailing!
4. Incarcerated!
5. Deviant!
6. Ill!
7. Intoxicated!
8. Wildly Inappropriate!
9. Eloquent!
10. Cooking!
11. Naked!
12. Bitchy!
13. Inexperienced!
14. Young!
15. Long-winded!
16. Bored to tears!
17. Jealous!
18. Inquisitive!
19. Confused!
20. Arrogant!

Who I'll drabble for (and I'll use the loose definition of it, so between 100 and 500 words):
Clark Kent [Smallville] planetbound
Kira Ford [Power Rangers Dino Thunder] melodiousyellow (because I'm weird)
Lana Lang [Smallville] horsewoman_lana
Sam Montgomery [A Cinderella Story] latefor_reality
Ruby [Supernatural] faithfuldemon/bloodinmyear (depending on season/PB)
Vastly AU and weirdly PBed Ruby [Supernatural] dontbea_racist (because, again, I'm weird)

planetbound, horsewoman_lana

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