Influences of Location.

Jun 09, 2009 13:15

Rosie grew up in Tallahassee. She loves the sun and the beach and the hot weather. Nothing makes her quite as happy as swimming in the ocean when it is 80 degrees out and sunny. She really loves Florida. She's moving to England and the transition to a cooler climate, less sunny days and no beaches is going to affect her mood. Even with a pool in the house she's moving to that won't make up for the beaches.

Rosie has traveled extensively in Europe, Australia and the Untied States over the past five years. She loves food and when going to a new country that is the first thing she wants to do, try the food. That being said she hates catfish and would rather go hungry than eat it.

She hasn't really picked up any languages but her travel has made her interested in trying. Out of all the languages and accents everywhere the Tyne/Geordie accent still makes her weak in the knees. No doubt she is biased but Rosie has an interest in dialects of languages. Apart from her own Southern US dialect she knows Geordie and the Aussie English. She is often, always, fascinated that one language can have people within it that can barely understand each other.

Rosie also has very little prejudice when it comes to race, religion, etc (The press aside). She's been around enough people and grew up in a rather diverse community to start with. She doesn't usually judge people as a group but solely as individuals. (Unless she gets angry than all bets are off.)


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