Munday - Maddy Samuels

May 18, 2009 20:29

1. Who is your character's PB? Ashley Greene

2. Which came first, the character or the PB? A bit of both I suppose. The character name and basis of what I wanted came first, then I thought of Ashley as the PB and then the personality and everything else came after that.

3. Why did you choose this particular PB? She fits Maddy perfectly. I can't picture anyone else as her. They're both 22. Ashley is such a natural beauty. She looks great with hardly any make-up and that's how I wanted Maddy. Maddy doesn't think of herself as pretty AT ALL. So it's a very understated glamour.

4. How close is the PB to your character? What are the differences, if any? They're not very alike at all (as far as I know). Maddy is very shy and gets embarrassed easily. From what I have seen of Ashley in the media, she is not shy at all. Maddy hates the spotlight and finds it hard to trust people.

5. Have you modified the PB in any way to be more like your character? See above.

6. Have you ever changed your character's PB / would you ever? Why, or why not? No. As I mentioned above, Ashley is perfect for Maddy. No one else can play her.

7. Where did you find icons of your PB, or did you make them yourself? I made most of them myself. The others were found at Ashley and Alice Cullen Fan communities.

8. Is it important to have an appropriate PB for your character? Why or why not? Yes, I think so. It makes your characters more real. Whenever I read fiction books, I have to create my "cast list" because it makes the book more vivid.

9. Have you ever been favorably/unfavorably predisposed towards a character because you liked or didn't like the PB choice? No. Not yet.

10. Have you ever had a character who was represented by text icons / no icon only because they were too difficult to find a PB for? No.


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