Mar 26, 2009 22:28
I'd take cake over death any day. I like cake, and it's much more enjoyable then death. Though if I was going to have to die? At least let me have some cake right before. That's be a god way to go. Enjoying something I love in life. That and dying while eating cake is a lot less traumatizing on someone then dying in the middle of sex. People who say they want to die during sex I just wonder if they ever considered how the person they are having sex with feel if they died right in the act.
Then again if someone actually baked you the cake and you died? They'd feel bad too. Guess that's a double edged sword. To make someone thing they poisoned you to death. It'd be a bit cruel to die after that. Guess death doesn't work in any of this.
So I'll take the cake, hold the death please.
Muse | John Doggett
Fandom | The X-Files
Word Count | 157 words