Have a joyous non-offensive collection of consecutive 24 hour periods!!!

Dec 05, 2008 00:05

I was commissioned today to write a politically correct holiday song.
I say commissioned, but I'm pretty sure that implies that I have or will be at some point compensated for my drivel
that I and I alone find amusing at best.
No, I was more begged by a company of my peers to do it.

Well, not begged so much as sought after.
And not a company so much as a direct report.
And not really peers so much as one guy.

Well if I'm honest, it was one guy, making an off handed remark about the whole thing moments before he dismissed it altogether and
got on with more important thoughts about his real job which my caffeine induced sense of "humor" was keeping him from.

I've simply lost you haven't I?
Well, I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not all that sure I know exactly where I am myself.

I've been propped up by soda all day (32 oz Awesome for $.75? Joo crazy thinking I'm not all over that) after getting about 3 1/2 upwards of 4 hours sleep last night. And here it is again, midnight...ish and I'm still awake.

I want to have a proper post as its been too long, but the more I write, the more you realize why its been too long.

The Dark Knight comes out on Tuesday, so that's what I'll be doing up until about the 23rd, with a 2 day intermission and then back to it on the 26th.

I have an idea for something for the kid. I'm not going to go into it now because to describe it would be too inane and lose so much of the amusement.
It came to me in a vision one day (I was not hanging any kind of clock at the time just to be clear*)  when Patti was discussing something.
I thought of it only in jest, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it to really happen. And now, I do not intend on continuing life without it. I simply have no idea if I'd be able to cope.
Once I have a better idea of what it looks like, (and how in the world I can get it together) I will post a full entry on the matter.

For the time being I think I'm going to adjourn.

*Not that I should have to mention this but that's a movie reference. My first for these particular 24 hours. Need to see how many I can legitimately make by midnight tonight...

tag lists longer than the post itself, 17 things you can't do without using bot, fashion tips for svelt tabby cats., christmas shopping in an effort to suici, the ancient art of orgami for perverts, the best idea i ever had involving a bab, awesome for cheap, south beach diet recipes, dark knight, code red, 11 sexy secrets to finding the manchild, gailey eye clinic, hannah montana concert tickets, kathy ireland naked

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