Oct 25, 2004 20:32
Im feeling a little musical Punk rock persona at the moment......with a side of french reggae right now..or hip hop...Every 3 minutes or so the sound waves change it up so lets just leave it up in the air shall we?..oh...wait..no here we go again...im feelin a little new wave action coming on...throwing a little trance vocal in there..geez..........donovanpicture.com has a pretty sweet ass soundtrack..kinda tripping me out though.I cant tell where the music is coming from I gues I never quite realized how much I enjoy the quaint little security of a real player or coziness of windows media. Latley life seems to fall and flow a whole hell of a lot easier through the path of random and the whole swedish proverb speak less talk more...or....hear less..speak.....uh..something along the lines..ooh i bet you guys are all just feeling the excitment of mystery here...Anyways, yeah random..because somehow it leads to wisdom...and all the intelligence im supposed to soak in through highschool.....however, the most learning I tend to do is the walk to and from...with the occasional assignment im actually into..and until the day I am freed..I remain just flowing with it..not happily mind you..but im trying to dive into the spaces in between and shake some ass with the crazy colors found...one thing i remain madly in love with is my longboard..culture..art..and music..kimichi soup..and other things I really dont feel like writing right now....oooooh shiiiit son...here we go......the melody has changed yet again...(are ya PUMPED!?)...YES..feel it..here it comes......yes......Russian polka with one of those indie rock almost electronic sounds but not quite death from above.....it’s a little too happy and up beat for that though....makes me picture some sort of plump cartoon with really big eyes...you know the deal..catchy noises when he or she blinks with some fuzzy "creature" curiously peeking from behind a tree in the backround....or...something......ok honestly....what the fuck.....now its french again....some kind of dub exclusive “upper class” porno feel going on...well....on the flip side to another thought...
(yes..a nice little change of pace for the inner running shoe to get the mind home in time for stir fry)
I kind of really wanna go to a crabshack...to be honest, I don’t really have the slightest clue of what goes on...specifics that Is....in a crabshack..but the name has been thrown at me many a time in this past month...along with kos and his Crabbuckit groove...it’s caught my curiosity. So if anyone else wants to accompany me...to spend a day hunting down some random crabshack..let me know..To the Tofu Tuesday crew, the naam weather pattern is pointing towards the Wednesday of this week.. However, It is downtown, so If you guys want to stick it out until the weekend, It’s completely understandable ...
well until my tides kiss the shores of ND tomorrow I shall part ways
...but on a side note..to the stranger who frequents the same path as I on occasion...yes Kat....you can still look hot and have SWEATY sexy edge....not to mention pit stains of mad freshness two inches away from that guys face..way to go I say...WAY to go.......fuck man, you and I ...the slyness...the stance.....we need to start focusing on the self consumed indulge of something other than food (“cough”).......yes.......we must focus on looking physically and emotionally “stable” to the outside world...mooooooootivate...im thinking the 3 minute jog once every two weeks will get us in top shape when the flake begins to fall.....and not the flakes we use shampoo for...however...that too is something we may want to take under consideration the next time we ride public transit.. SEYMOUR...prepare to role play Mount.Hood....Kat’s ghetto stench Has just arrived..ghastly fumes penetrating the ears nuzzled beneath their touque habitats...poor guys.. by the way, get your little journal thingy hooked up so we can bond on here eh?
but in the meantime..
will you lip slide my box if I nose press your rail?
Outtie like a Buddha belly.