not at YC

May 21, 2004 16:56

Ok, so tonight I had planned on going to Lazer Zepp/Floyd at the Planetarium. Unfortunatley most all of the people I had 'planned' on going have other engagements.
I mean really..Normally this would be the time where I would suck it up and go alone..hmm..nahh.
So, i've decided to have a night at home. I also rented 'Sid&Nancy' yes...thats right, how punk rock of rent movies on punk kids...oooh maybe this will give me fashion ideas....maybe i can learn to curl my lip in the right way...or where to position my spikes perfectly, in an effort not to imbalance the "harshness" of my leather jacket...
What I've managed to do, is set up this massive candle display in my room. So..tonight, will be an art night...or perhaps I'll just spend some quality time with my guitar. Im really craving some Hare Krishna food...
Wedsdays music showcase was amazing, I am still blown away.
It was as though the theater was suffocating with so much friggen talent, the doors were throbbing uncomfortably.
Brittany,Tyler,Chris and Mike just brought so much depth into the whole thing. Lyrically, i was seriously amazed..and musically, it was obviously beautiful noise...well..i would have enjoyed a breif moment of seeing a certian someone trip on a chord as he was rocking out...perhaps that would have eased the ego a tad. But just try and visualize some radiant vision in the corner of this was so much better then that. Ahh....Ayers why must you retire from our school WHY!! So I was thinking today about thoughts...and what if all of our thoughts silentley communicated to one another, thus explaining the unspoken fights you have with certain people in the hall way. The ones that start off with that pathetic ...ok...she waved at you deliberate to wether you feel "up" to waving back..oops too late...then your like..was i supposed to wave back? come i dont regonize i care?...and the next time you see that person and wave...they ignore you, as if you completley stabbed them in the back by
failing to have aknowledged their the previous days of friendly vibes and hallway love.*oh the humanity*
Hate to break it to you people, but sometimes i honestly dont want to wave back....I have enough trouble with conversations in general..the way words bruise certain people if their names are used in the wrong people can talk about such useless shit thesedays...i probably do it too, but honestly...if you have an opinion on something and someone argues against it, fight back! Dont just shy away and go 'oh, ok'..its pathetic. WRONG with everyone. I have a feeling our thoughts connect somehow know that feeling you get about a person? Good or bad? Or how you know the both of you could teach eachother so much? Perhaps our thoughts hold little meetings with one another and (just like in Donnie Darko) we just follow that stream/force that pulls us where we go without us even blinking an eye. Who knows.
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