Nov 01, 2005 18:31
Well, Halloween was alright. Nothing special. I put on a cape, spiked my hair, put on my black dress clothes and then painted my face some black and blue design. Slept in for spare today, presentation about drugs during my math class. People were saying it was a stupid presentation and all that, but I thought it was a pretty good one. Although not everyone gets addicted to everything like that, and anyone who does, would probably be too stupid by now to listen up to this guy and take down some notes. So I guess it was fairly pointless, but I found it was good. Then french was just gay. I haven't done SQUAT for that stupid project. I've got ideas, I just have to do them. Lunch was fairly boring as usual. Bio was just us working on our projects. I hate to say it, but Carbs is fuckin gay. He gives SO many bullshit projects. All we do is just take a giant paper, and re-copy whatever was on the paper in our notes. And he gives fucking quizzes and tests like CRAZY. I hate his class, I just like him because he's a cool guy, but his class sucks. And spare I just came home early. Kind of in a bad mood when I got home, and I realised there was barely anything to make without having to make a mess and actually cook something. So I went and got some Georges. Damn they give you alot for what you buy. I hate like almost 3 hours ago and I'm still full as hell. Holy shit, does it ever piss off anyone when you're trying to correct something earlier in a text, and it starts writing over the next phrase? That ALWAYS pisses me off and gets me in a bad mood. So NOW I'm in one. Damnit. Computers suck. Later.