Oct 21, 2005 14:57
Fuck man I'm so fucking pissed off. I'm walking home from Stan's, and so many people in their cars are being dicks, just acting like they own the streets and always have the right of way. Like when you're walking down a sidewalk and there's those driveway type things to get out of parking lots. So I kept on getting cut off by dicks doin that. Then I'm walking past petro, I'm halfway across and this fuckin dick just drives like up to a foot away from me, honks his horn and is doing weird hand gestures and I'm like "WHAT THE FUCK MAN" That just completly ruined my day and now I'm in a bad mood. And also everyone was looking forward to Ryley's today, since it's the best day to have a party, but he said he doesn't think he could have people over. Not that I'm mad or anything, we can't EXPECT to go there...although it would've been nice. Now I probably have to have people over. Oh well, whatev's. Maybe I'll just drink some beers tonight with people or something. Anyways, the awards were good. Sat at a table with this aboriginal youth group, which I didn't know ANYONE, but there were a few foxy ladies hah. But yeah, then I went to Stan's after that. That's all. Later.