Oct 16, 2005 19:49
Well last night was pretty sweet. First Stan Ben and Andrew came over to wait to see if we can go to Ryley's, and Tanisha came too. But then around like 10 or so Ryley wasn't home so I decided I'll just go to Chris' and I think they went home. Adam came too. So then we were playin some 64, then Chris Tim Tony Stephanie and I hit up some poker. That was pretty sweet. I think it was Tim, I called his raise, which was all in. I THOUGHT I had a Full house, because I had two 3's and I saw two nines on the table, but it was a 8 and a 9 so I would've lost to his flush, but then the next card flipped was a fuckin nine!! So I cleared out Tim. But then I got bored with poker so I called every raise even if I had nothing. Then I watched Adam play some 64 and then fell asleep. Then we went home, and Ryley was here. I think him and Ricardo stayed here with Tom. So we were chillin here, and I was playing Turok 2. Cool game lol. I actually got scared at this one part. I turn around and this dinosaur jumps at my face screaming and swiping. I actually jumped haha. Then Ryley went home around 5. I'm gonna try spiking my hair sometime. I think tomorrow Adam's lendin me his gel. I'm thinkin tomorrow I'll try hittin' up some slicked-back hair. I wet my hair and checked that out and I didn't mind it. Try some new shit with my hair. But yeah, that's all for now. Later!