Steve Carlson - 7th May 2008
Cross posted to:
steve_carlson and
As a note, these files contain roughly 99% Steve and 1% Darren & Rosalee (keyboardist and back-up vocals respectively, both of whom are amazing and totally lovable *g*).
I know that "Wasted Jamie", "Pinata Novia", his cover of Justin Timberlakes' "Cry Me A River" (which is totally awesome *eyes certain person for a rip of him singing it*), and "Safe to Say" were all performed on the night, but I can't for the life of me remember in which order and what else was played as I was basking in the awesomeness that is STEVE (and to be frank, I still am *g*). If anyone else can remember any songs that he/they did and the order that any of them were performed in, feel free to tell me :D
This was the first of Steves' gigs that I've been to where he had his hair tied back, which in itself is really sexy, but Steve wearing a trilby O.O combined with the hair tied back = OMGSOHOT!!! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that?? Lol - just remembered that
nightfive said that Jason looks like a yeti with the hair and beard combo and that Steve looks like a pimp with his hat on *G*
On with the photos now, as I'm still all bouncy and unable to really say anything more than I already have :D
As usual, feel free to take these and make whatever art you feel like with them, but please remember:
♥ to credit
charlies_dragon or Susan Baker,
♥ NO HOTLINKING to the download links or the individual pics,
♥ a link to this post is very nice and thoughtful but not a requirement.
♥ each download link has different pics in it, if you want all 582 then download all five rar files :)
♥ comments really are love *g*
This last one has to be just about my favourite one of this batch, and is possibly one of my favourite Steve pics ever *g* Such a nice smile.
Download file #1Download file #2Download file #3Download file #4Download file #5 Asylum next - ho boy! Just as a warning, that's 5-6 GB of pics, so bear with me whilst I upload them! I'll do it by panel, so Jim & Stirling, then Samantha etc. Also, Steve & Jason will be uploaded seperately and I was only there 'til lunchtime on Sunday, so I missed the last 3 talks. Sorry everyone, but I can't do anything about when my exams are scheduled *pouts at uni*