Ok, I'm officialy going Friends Only from now onwards. If you weren't on my Friends List prior to 5th October 2007 and want to be added to it, please comment to this post to be added, preferably with something about where we met/what we can squee over together, that sort of thing :)
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charlies_dragon - welcome to my lair *g*
How about you? What book(s) have you got on the go?
Do you read any other genre other than fantasy? And is this your first time with Martin's Fire and Ice Series? And what do you think of it.
(I'm a bit chatty...)
Fantasy is my main genre, but I do occasionaly read a few others, but nothing specific. It's more like, "ooh, that books looks good, what's the blurb like *reads blurb* interesting and different, I think I'll read this", than deciding "right, I think I'll read a ###-genre book today".
I haven't read any of GRRMs books before, but I've heard a lot about this series so I thought I'd give it a go, though if it becomes like Robert Jordans' Wheel of Time series, I may pull my hair out and cry (I don't like WoT btw!).
If you want to continue talking about books, then we could continue in this post so we don't clutter up my FO post, just for the sake of tidiness...
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