Title: “Untitled Smut Scene” from Losing You
Rating/warnings: NC-17
Genre: romance, smut, pwp
Character/s: Charlie/Claire
Spoilers: goes AU from the end of S3
Summary: This is the only somewhat completed scene from the sequel that I began writing for “
Fight For You” ages ago. You know, back when I still wrote Lost fanfiction and liked the show? Basically the premise for this is that Claire came down to the Looking Glass with Charlie and saved him but broke her hand in the process. After they return to shore they get Juliet to set Claire’s hand and then they go and live in Otherton which is around and about when this particular piece of smut ensues
Disclaimer: Lost isn’t mine etcetera.
It seems like a very long time since he’s done this with anyone and his body is all but screaming at him to start moving. But he holds himself back, waits for Claire to catch her breath and get used to the sensation of having him inside her and then finally she looks down at him, still biting her lip, and she nods fervently, both hands drawn up now to cover herself. )