What a busy day! It's now 10:30, and I can finally say I'm done working for today. Seriously, except when our friend Rosanna dropped by this evening for a couple of hours, I've been going without stopping all day long. Considering I didn't feel well, I worked damn hard, too. I'm worn out. But I'm glad I got so much done!
I have a VERY busy day at the office tomorrow, including having our friend Shari drop by (to bring me birthday goodies and pick up some things I have for her). She's in an assisted living situation now, so for her to come downtown requires one of the workers to drive her. I have to admit I laughed out loud when she told me on the phone that she'd need to 'get the address.' Really, Shari? It's on my business card, which she has -- and at our website, of course. She's been there many times in the past. So I guess I was surprised. Anyway, I did turn right around and email her the address and phone number (plus my cell) so they'd have it. She's supposed to drop by at 10:00.
I've also got Donn coming in to work with both me and Steven (on the cad software). And Mark is coming for his computer training -- he's going to have his own Profile, now.
Plus I have a two-hour session in the afternoon with Rich and Tim (the contractor) for training with SmugMug.
And I think somewhere in there I need to do the News item for the website about our Toy Drive next Tuesday at the office...
So hopefully I'll be on my toes tomorrow!
Today sister Sue was kind enough to come by and take me to the Goodwill with eight boxes (!!!) of stuff. I cleaned out a bunch of towels with those knitted tops (that hang up) that either were Mom's or had been given to us by Mom. We used to use them, but don't anymore... That half emptied a drawer in our linen closet. Amazing.
Most of the stuff came from the garage, where I worked this morning for several hours. I wanted to get our 'pantry shelf' cleaned out again. I use to keep it really nice -- and that was where we stored all the canned and jarred goods we had that we couldn't find room for in our kitchen. But over the years that shelf got filled up with tons of other 'stuff' -- and I organized it today and sent things off to others who will hopefully need them. One of the items was the radio from our old car -- which was a pretty darn good radio, by the way! I'm not sure WHY we kept it all this time, considering we were never going to use it again. Just one example of something that I know can be used by others, if we'd just send it to the Goodwill!
I'm telling you, it was COLD out in the garage this morning! I really had to bundle up to be out there. But it felt pretty darn good to get so much done. I hope I can get rid of even more out there. The less we have, the easier it is to keep things organized and to be able to find things when we need them.
I spent some time cleaning out all of my embossing supplies and packing them up to give to Shari, who really wants them. Plus I'm giving her most of my rubber stamps and stamp pads, too. That's actually a full banker box of stuff, believe it or not! I hope she'll enjoy them as must as I did, back in the day. I used to really be into rubber stamps, but I haven't had time for it for years now...
That left me with another half-empty drawer, by the way. I've been keeping those supplies forever, sure I would use them again. I'm glad I'm finally able to let it go...
I also cleaned the living room, kitchen and my bathroom. Plus I put up our Christmas tree in the living room and got out several decorations -- including our Christmas village.
Things look better, if not perfect. I could stand to do some additional cleaning, that's for sure. But at least this was a good start!
Rosanna came over just past 7:00 -- Marilyn had barely gotten in the door from work when she arrived. Sue had also taken me to get some snacks to serve. I had cookies (Marilyn and I didn't touch those), peppermint bark, roasted almonds, dry roasted peanuts and two kinds of cheese. I sent the candy and cookies home with Rosanna, who can use some major cheering up right now -- she's dealing with her terminally ill father, who is getting chemo and radiation treatments and not doing well at all. Her dad lives with her and she's totally responsible for his care -- I can't imagine how hard it must me!
We three had a nice visit and are going to dash off to dinner and a movie this weekend. Rosanna could use some 'me' time away from her dad, that's for sure. And her sister can just force herself to help out, thank you very much.
And after Rosanna left, I finally finished up the garbage and recycling for this week. I'd been trying to get it done all day long, but I was so swamped I just couldn't finish it up until now.
By the way, prayers for both Rosanna and her dad are much appreciated. The goal is to have him get some extra months to spend time traveling with his family -- if that's possible. Hopefully he'll hang in there a bit longer. He's a very tough man, so who knows? But it's been rough -- and Rosanna never knows when she goes to his room if she'll find him alive...
Well, I'm off to have a bit more to eat -- maybe including some ice cream! Then I imagine we'll head to bed.