I had a very successful day at the festival office today! (woo hoo) One of my better days, ever, actually...
I got significant IT done before noon (!!!), including the project to update all the Auction software (and the database) prior to our upcoming Auction. We use GreaterGiving, and it seems to need an annual upgrade. Last year this was a huge issue. I'm not kidding! And I was dealing with it at the last minute, too. Now I know how to fix it for future years -- and it really didn't take all that long, either...
Kris came to the office by 9:30 (even though he was on the phone until past 10:00). He wasn't even there an hour today.
Aside from that, I got the software installed on the laptop that needed doing, moved the IFEA Auction database back to the Server and installed the new wireless mouse on Rich's computer. (Rich's computer needs a new power supply installed -- I hope to get Donn on that next week...)
Other than IT work, I also got a bunch of website updates done -- for both the festival website and the RHSAA website, too! I was worried I'd be doing the Court updates over the weekend, as they needed to be in place by October 1. This is the earliest we've ever had them done, so that's a good deal! Way to go, Ashley -- and way to go, me! (grin)
After all that work on the RHSAA eNewsletter, they did ANOTHER ONE since then -- one that wasn't done very well. Marilyn -- who is supposedly in charge of Communications -- wasn't consulted. She's truly one of the best in her business, and I don't like to see her treated with disrespect. Why ignore her knowledge? It really makes me see red when this happens.
I certainly didn't know in advance, either. What's the point in us having expertise they supposedly care about if they're not going to discuss things with us? We've found that people don't like to get multiple newsletters in a week -- they consider it SPAMMING. So you not only don't send the best possible message, but you risk having people unsub -- which certainly isn't what you're going for. And, obviously, there's no point in doing a nicely formatted eNewsletter and then sending out a less-professional version. I'm not bragging when I say I've received four awards for the four years I've done eNewsletters for the festival. I'm just saying that I know what I'm doing (or why else would I consistently win awards?). I have to wonder why my opinion doesn't matter to these people. Clearly they need someone else to do this work, in place of me -- someone they'll trust and listen to.
Well, I feel like reading and am tired, so I'm off to lie down and read. I'll probably drift off, though. (smile)
"Remington Steele" tonight was one of our fave episodes. We'll enjoy it less when there's no Murphy Michaels, as we really liked that character...