The most important thing we got done today was going to get pedicures and manicures! Both Marilyn and I needed them -- and I had a badly broken nail, so I was suffering needing it fixed. Thankfully that's done -- and will take us through the festival this year. I got a French for my pedicure, and BLACK tips (!!!) for my manicure. Very cool! Very Rock 'n' Roll. (smile)
We also went to Walmart and Freddies shopping, something else we very much needed to do...
I guess you could call today an errand day.
(Not that I did no festival work, because naturally I did. But not all that much, really.)
Now we need to head to bed, because we've got to be at work by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow! We need some sleep before we face the busy day...
Mick Jagger on SNL??? Wow, is he rockin' it! I think he's been AMAZING!!! (Making up for the entirely lame-ass opening they had tonight.) What a great choice having him on there.
Well, that's it for today!