Marilyn and I had a brutal week -- and we knew we were also going to have a busy weekend. There are just times you wish you could hide away on Saturday and Sunday... (sigh)
Yesterday Marilyn needed to attend the Roosevelt High School Alumni Association Board Meeting. I went along and was going to sit in the back of the room, but there wasn't a chair, so I split. I ended up sitting on a staircase part of the time, then out in the car the rest of the time. It was funny when the empty chair next to Marilyn where I was originally going to sit was 'claimed' by an older man -- who was 'saving it' for his friend who wasn't there yet... Really? Welcome back to high school...
Marilyn needed to attend, because even though she's not on the Board, she was presenting as the Communications Chairman. She left after an hour and 40 minutes, with the meeting still dragging on. They were discussing the same old things they did the last meeting, which is fairly frustrating to Marilyn, who has been running boards for years...
Anyway, it was nice when that was over. We did some other errands and were glad to get back home again!
Then today in the middle of the day we had the 80th birthday celebration of our friend Gil. There was no question we'd attend, and it meant a ton to him.
Here's some photos from the event!
Gil and Marilyn
Gil's sister and Marilyn
Dinner is served!
Gil speaks.
Special song.
Joyce and Gil -- happy couple!
We stayed for ages, but the party was still going on (!!!) when we left.
After hours at this party, we ran more errands, then were (again) glad to get home.
We did spend part of both days SLEEPING (we never seem to get enough sleep during the week -- and we're always tired on the weekends). It was important for us to do these other things this weekend, but not easy by any means.
By the way, nothing SUCKS for us like being awakened early on either Saturday and Sunday. We often count on those early morning hours, but we're never going to be able to turn off our phones (for many reasons).
We finally got our friend Shari to quit calling early. I had to tell her to stop, even though I knew it would hurt her and that she'd be upset. She was upset, but got over it quickly and seems to understand now, after I gently explained. I wish others got it, too, though. I was pretty shook up to be awakened early yesterday morning.
Look, I make no bones about the long, hard hours Marilyn and I work all year round -- but especially this time of year. Marilyn had one of her worst weeks ever this past week. We try to stay upbeat and positive no matter what, but there are times that even we get worn out and cranky. Sleep has been an issue for years. We'll just never find the time to work in more. We have the hours free that we have -- and I've no clue how others can sleep as much as they do...
Anyway, if you call me before 10:00 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday (our time), don't expect me to return your call. In fact, be glad that I don't, because I'm not sure how calm I would be. It's very much about Marilyn for me -- and while I might forgive you for waking me, I'm less likely to be kind when she's bothered...
Well, that's it for today. More tomorrow, hopefully!