Marilyn was at WORK (at the festival office) until 10:00 p.m. tonight. Yeah, it is July -- and yeah, the festival is over. But the work on the submission for the Grand Pinnacle Award continues, with Marilyn doing the majority of the work (especially the writing) -- and this is a HUGE project. So she just keeps grinding away (while many Staff members are on vacation -- and while most people got a four-day weekend over the Fourth, but not her).
Meanwhile, here at home we're hanging on. The cats and I endured as best we could today. I won't even try to pretend it's not hard to go to living in HALF the space we're used to -- and especially when the half we're in is full of loads of stuff from the half that we can't use. Marilyn and I discussed it, and I think the cats have 'cabin fever' big time. But she says we do, too -- and I think she's right. Except that we can get out of the house, and they can't, poor things!
The noise again today was AWFUL. First doing the drywall was really noisy, which I honestly hadn't expected. Then the (rather odd) drywall guy tells me he'll 'be back on Monday' to finish up the job. I say, 'But they're PAINTING on Saturday,' and he gets pretty pissed off and makes it rather clear he doesn't feel he can be done before then...
I contact Blake and he says he'll call the office of this guy. It's all about various subcontractors. Blake is OUR contractor, but he uses loads of subs, of course. So Blake gets back to me (we spoke several times) and says he's sending over fans to make sure it's dry and that the guy will be back TOMORROW to finish up the drywall.
So that means we're not pushing the job further away from ending -- and right now every day seems really LONG, so I'm pretty glad to hear it. Painting is still slated for Saturday, in other words -- and is supposed to be done in one day.
I believe (fingers crossed) that Sunday is going to be a day off from all of this, which would be nice. It doesn't solve the cramped living situation, but just to not have strangers in and out and making noise and mess and so on would be lovely. Of course, we must be up EARLY on Saturday, because he's coming at 8:00 to start. (sigh)
Marilyn and I are having a tough time sleeping -- have I said that before? (Probably.) She's on the upstairs sofa, which is far from as comfortable as the one she loved sleeping on in the family room. And my 'bed' is totally make-shift, created from a chair and two mis-matched ottomans piled with pillows. (If I roll over I'm on the floor, so I sleep with stiff care.)
Last night I did spend part of the night in my bedroom, but it's not a good situation with both cat boxes housed there. The litter dust is so hard for me to breathe (totally aside from other odors). And the cats are even more clinging and attention-seeking than usual -- not that I don't totally understand that.
Anyway, we both woke in the middle of the night and decided to watch a movie together! We got "
Unknown," with Liam Neeson. I won't give anything away, but we both really liked it -- I think it's worth seeing.
So I think we were up until at least 5:00 a.m. I've no CLUE how Marilyn is managing her long hours with almost NO sleep. She's incredible, there's no doubt.
Her write-ups for some of the things being included in the Grand Pinnacle are AMAZING. As I continue to read these, I'm truly convinced we're going to win (again). And we deserve it, too!
We had a very late dinner of pizza, and split a Chelada. And Marilyn's snoozing on the sofa with "
Angels & Demons" on in the background. (We both LOVE that film...)
Colin spent much of the day in my closet, poor boy. And Henry spent ages howling -- partly about wanting to go downstairs. Right now I don't even want him to walk on the stairs. They pulled out the carpet and the stairs are COVERED with nails -- very nasty! I keep worrying about Marilyn cutting her feet -- and I don't need that to happen to Henry, that's for sure.
When the guys brought the HUGE fans by this afternoon, I'd actually dozed off -- and I guess they rang the bell several times without waking me. They came in (using the lockbox) and then went out again to call Blake -- but I woke (!!!) and went out to let them come in. They were afraid they'd wake me, so they were unsure what to do. Anyway, those fans are SO LOUD that even with the door downstairs closed the whole house was filled with noise for the second day in a row... So not only was the whole drywall thing noisy, but all day was loud. Poor cats! (Hell, poor me, too...)
Oh, and if anyone is wondering about what's going on with our computer project that was supposed to happen yesterday (!!!), I did hear from Donn both yesterday and again today. Let's just say the ordering of necessary supplies is all messed up and it's been delayed -- and both Marilyn and I are actually glad about that...
I did take a few minutes and went next door to June's to take her those games I'd put on a jump drive (that were originally from a floppy disk). By the way, I never used to call 3 1/2 inch diskettes 'floppy disks,' because the moniker didn't really fit. Only the 8 inch (which I never personally used) and the 5 1/4 inch disks were really floppy, meaning they wiggled if you shook them (flexible, or 'floppy' disks). Years back I finally forced myself to get rid of all my 5 1/4 inch diskettes, but I still have quite a few 3 1/2 inch ones. And as I said, I need to consider transferring it all to jump drives! If I don't, the time will come when I can't use the stuff at all...
It's hard to believe how times have changed since Marilyn and I bought our first home computer! And I don't even know how many different computers we two have owned since then. We've had countless towers (desktop) and laptops (and/or notebooks) over the years. But I can't imagine life without them, that's for sure! For that matter, back in the day we had a TON of different typewriters, too -- and I thought they were pretty amazing...
I'm reading several good books (yes, all at once) on my Kindle right now. I need to share a list one of these days...
Well, even though I did get some sleep today, I'm tired and ready for 'bed' (such as it is). So that's it for today! At some point I need to share photos of everything, as I've taken a ton. But it can wait for now.
And I should share sister Sue's current situation (aside from her heart condition), too. But I think I'll ask her if she's cool with that, first. (It's such a mess -- and the last thing she needs right now!) More prayers for Sue would be a GOOD thing, anyway -- thanks!