Marilyn and I woke before 7:00 a.m. to find that Portland Public Schools were CLOSED for the day.
At first I just didn't buy it. So I went to the front door and opened it and peered out. There was what I can only describe as a dusting of snow on the ground -- which has to be the 'trace' they've been talking about. I turned on TV to be sure and saw the school closure posted on the screen.
I went down to Marilyn and told her she wouldn't believe it if she saw it. There was NO SNOW on the sidewalks or streets at all. She said they were saying that North Portland (where we live) was a 'problem' spot!
Here's the thing: As long as Portland schools are closed, then our office is closed.
I'm not sure why I keep fighting this fact. I made sugar-free hot chocolate and we each had a mugful with saltine crackers. Since we've been dozing in front of the TV...
I just glanced out to find LESS SNOW than before! Much of it on the grass is now gone, too. Happily, it looks like they came to take the garbage and recycling (though I'm not 100% sure that's true). I hope our oil gets delivered today, come what may.
There's supposed to be more snowfall at some point. And it's supposed to get much colder, too.
Okay, then!
Marilyn was saying that it's like an event that the weather people are PRETENDING has happened! Even while we watched TV we could see cars zipping along in the shots they showed. Not many, because school closures impact traffic a lot during snow here...
I said that it was as if Portland Public School officials said, "Well, we have all these snow days, so we might as well close today." I mean, there have been many times with worse weather when they haven't, believe me!
Bottom line?
Yes, we did get snow. It's not much to write home about, though. And it's not even really photo-worthy. I haven't been the least bit inclined to grab my camera and run outside for pictures.
You should hear the weathermen and weatherwomen! They seem so proud that it actually snowed -- and that most of the schools in the state are closed.
I think I'll have a nap. I may as well enjoy the day off!