We hauled our piles of food to work this morning -- AFTER Marilyn spent ages making the deviled eggs (!!!). They're a lot of work, no doubt about it. I had a heck of a time getting them peeled when we got up. She got a great scald on them (as we always say), and they were delicious! I just had another. Yummy.
We had a good group for our potluck. Kris brought along his friend Valerie (who we first met at the Auction). He cooked, but so did Mark. Sue came, and so did Marcia (with baby Luke). As for the Staff, besides Marilyn and me, Rich came (he normally doesn't work Fridays this time of year), Kristen and Carol were there, Ashley and Laura were there and Chris and Christie. Rosanna had a memorial service to attend and Jeff was at the hospital with his wife.
There were some cute costumes!
You can't see much here, really, but especially great costumes included Rich as a zombie (his makeup was AMAZING!) and Kristen as a roller skater.
Marilyn went as a Twihard, wearing an Edward Cullen tee, with "I love Jacob" on one cheek and "I love Edward" on the other. She wore a Team Cullen hat and was carrying a Forks bag full of the books -- which she kept quoting from. I loved that costume. Hahahaha!
I was the Devil, dressed in black and wearing a long red hooded cape and devil mask, with a red and black pitchfork.
When we celebrate Halloween at our office, we always do costumes, which I think is great fun. Why not get in the spirit (pun intended) of the holiday?
When we got home, I brought in the mail and discovered I'd received a letter from the festival. It was very nice, telling me I was nominated (again) for Volunteer of the Year, and thanking me for the work I do. It mentioned some of my successes for 2010, which I thought was nice -- and Jeff wrote a person note at the bottom. The letter was unexpected -- a special surprise.
It was a much busier day than I'd expected, anyway -- and we didn't quite manage to get away by 3:00, as planned. But we DID get away early, even so! The gathering was nice and there was a TON of good food! Our deviled eggs were all gone, people seemed to enjoy the beans, hot dogs and casserole -- AND we ended up bring home a bunch of food, so we'll be in good shape this weekend! (grin)
We also had Carol's rum punch (Sue B.'s recipe -- but Carol use coconut flavored rum, which was a nice touch). We didn't drink that much (it had to go around for lots of people), but it was enjoyable having it.
I had a long, long nap when we got home. And now we've been watching Hammer films on TV and relaxing. I'm looking forward to a restful weekend!
And my book came today! More on that soon...