Vacation is Smashing! (Harry Potter Might Say...)

Jun 19, 2010 23:45

A perfectly lazy, lovely vacation day! (woo hoo)

Got up around 8:00-ish, believe it or not (!!!) and spent the morning goofing off. Marilyn and I got "Escape Whisper Valley" (the latest SpinTop HOG -- Hidden Object Game). What a blast! We started it yesterday and finished it today. It's a lot like our favorite ever, "Escape Rosecliff Island." We BOTH have that one our computers, and we've played it over and over and over again -- including racing each other to see who can get the better scores. This one promises to be equally as much fun!

We also have played a bunch of Zuma, which never fails to entertain, all this time later. (grin)

And, yes, we went to "Toy Story 3" at 1:30 p.m. today. It was very entertaining, well worth seeing. The 3-D is amazing, but both Marilyn and I found it hard on our eyes. That might be due to our monovision. (Marilyn had surgery on her eyes, mine is via contacts.) I had a headache after and Marilyn's left eye was bothering her. And, no, you really can't watch the movie without the glasses...

Marilyn and I saw Captain EO back in 1987 at Disneyland. It was cutting edge and AMAZING 3-D at the time. They brought it back after Michael's death, but it doesn't have the full effects it had back when it originally ran. I guess it's just too expensive now.

Anyway, what's interesting is that I think "Toy Story 3" would be a good movie without the 3-D, in all honesty. It's about the characters and the story being told, and not the effects. Anyway, that's my opinion. I'm not saying the effects aren't cool, but still...

I've been napping and reading for hours. And we've both been watching TV and playing games and whatever. Today appears to be "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Day, so you can just watch the movie over and over again -- which is great by both of us! (heh) It's our fave of all the Harry Potter movies.

We had chili dogs to eat -- yummy! We make a big pot of chili and bake our hot dogs in the oven. Then we 'toast' our buns in the oven and add some grated cheese and mustard. Lovely. Baked hot dogs taste a lot like the dogs we used to make over our baby barbecues years ago. We had little ones that stood maybe half a foot off the ground. We used to go outside and sit on the pavement and fill it with briquettes and make a small fire. Then we'd roast hot dogs and eat them off the long forks and drink beer. Often after having played hours of tennis. No buns necessary, or condiments, believe it or not. The taste is very much the same, anyway -- and it's a lot easier in the oven! We do them on a cookie sheet on a sheet of Reynolds wrap, making for very little clean up. And once they're cooked we can use the same cookie sheet to toast the buns...

I should mention today is Juneteenth. Here's a link about the local celebration. (Originating in Galveston, Texas in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. It commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement.)

As for our goals for vacation, we need to have manicures and pedicures again, we plan to clean up around the house and we want to buy flowers and plant them. Other than that, it's all about rest and relaxation, which we've certainly earned the last couple of months!

Tonight's the replay of Betty White on "Saturday Night Live," which she rocked. When I watched the original airing I spent ages Tweeting it, which was a blast. If you've never been on Twitter during something like this, you should give it a try. It's fascinating, believe me.

And that's about it for today!

I'm posting this entry from the family room, where I barely have WiFi (!!!), so I can't really do much online. But that's okay. I'll do more tomorrow from our upstairs office where I have a good connection. I'm too lazy to go upstairs right now. (grin)

marilyn, tv, snl, hog, harry-potter, holiday, june-2010, zuma, vacation, movie, 2010, books, reading, food

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