We survived the Move into the Rose Building!
To quote the song, "This is Home!"
I just managed to use Remote Desktop to reach my computer at work (!!!), so things are actually going GREAT! (It was supposed to take 72 hours for the DNS to generate, so we're well ahead of the game at this point!)
I still have an additional six computers to set up, but will probably wait to do that on Monday morning. These are the Intern units, so all the rest -- Year round and Seasonal Staff -- are in place and ready to go! (woo hoo)
I got almost ALL of my stuff unpacked from the boxes and put away (!!!), so I'm pretty excited.
We had tiny swallows of champagne to celebrate, sitting around the upstairs conference room (near MY space) and looking across the river at Mt. Hood. Wow, does this rock!
I promise I'll get some photos up soon. I was way too busy to take any today. But that's okay -- I'm going to have YEARS to make up for it! (grin)
Mandy dropped by to see us today! Very cool.
And I got to tour Commissioner Randy Leonard around at one point. His assistant was along snapping photos of the place. Not a perfect day for that, considering there were BOXES EVERYWHERE. But he was excited, and I don't blame him. A lot of people seem to be coming around, probably due to the article in The Oregonian...
Anyway, we got home just past 7:00 p.m. -- not bad at all. There's a ton of unpacking left to do, but we got a good start.
Marilyn and I were going to go in this weekend, but I think we just might skip that. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, sunny weather (like TODAY was, by the way) -- so I think we'll want to enjoy the sunshine. And, frankly, we just might save the work until Monday...
I'll give a better, detailed report TOMORROW. For now, I'm dead beat and headed back to my nap.
We won't be Moving again for a long, long time! (smile)