Today is the first day of the festival for 2009!!!
I can hardly believe it. (I'm still in denial, I have to admit.)
mistressmarilyn just did a radio interview (I taped it) that went really well, pimping out the opening and this weekend and our new Memorial Day celebration. She's so good at radio (does a ton of it).
Believe it or not, I'm STILL making changes to the website (!!!) at this late date. And I'm not talking about those change-as-we-go things that would always need to happen. I'm talking about essential things like adding sponsor logos. Admittedly, some of these are new additions, so there's no way I could have received them before now, much less processed them...
So I'll do those and check the Communications Calendar about the next eNewsletter and eBulletin (so I can maybe start them now). I'm getting close to working on the script (finally), though we're probably talking this weekend -- and not today!
Marilyn and I were going to take 'naps' last night -- but we fell asleep and never budged until this morning. Suddenly it was just past 7:00 a.m. and Marilyn was flying to get out the door to make her 7:30 meeting! I was groggy and out of it, but managed to see her off. Then with the help of coffee, I started working (and heard her radio bit). She'll be dashing home to get me later (probably early afternoon-ish).
I need to finish up an IT project (on the FIRST DAY OF FESTIVAL???) today. Ron did the brunt of it (woo hoo), but I need to check it over and maybe make a tweak or two. (It's something I'm fairly decent at doing now, so...) Marilyn is DYING that I haven't quit doing IT yet, but what the heck. I've gotta do what I've gotta do. (smile)
Silly us, we actually considered going to "Terminator Salvation" again last night. Whatever anyone is saying about this movie (good or bad), I have to tell you that they finally hit the nail on the head casting Christian Bale as John Conner. He's perfect for that role. There's just some energy that's perfectly controlled, yet very raw. I'm not stating it very well, but you'll know what I mean when you see him.
It's getting hot in here... (heh)
Seriously, all Bale-hotness aside, the room is already getting warm, as we've got a very sunny, blue-sky day going on. Perfect! (And it means our bridge lighting, rose lighting and fireworks will look AWESOME tonight!)
I'm glad we didn't go to the movie again, simply because it's clear we needed the sleep (!!!) prior to today. But if you're the betting kind, I'd say the odds are good we'll make it there again this weekend. (smile) Yes, you heard that right: Movie time in the middle of the festival. Whatever! We've been known to run to movies over the years, after all...
I'd better get back to work. There's a ton to do. But I'm smiling and feeling excited and am very upbeat. I have a feeling this will be one of our best festivals ever!
By the way, I actually took time this morning to READ my friends (and even comment a little). Aren't you shocked??? By the end of June I'll be back here again for real, guys. Just wait and see!