We (finally) went and had our manicures done yesterday. It's been over two months since we were there last!!!
I also had a much-needed pedicure.
We'd phoned them early afternoon for an appointment (we generally call same day, but don't just try to do a drop-in anymore), but we were told to come at 5:30 -- not realizing they're supposed to close at 6:00 p.m.! (yikes) For those who might not know, there's no way to do both a pedicure and manicure on one person and a manicure on another in the space of half an hour...
I was reading over one of my Flash manuals (huge and heavy, even though it's a paperback), balancing it carefully on my lap while getting my pedicure. Then the owner came over and started to take off my old laminate topping, getting me ready for my manicure (to speed things along).
Yesterday was the anniversary of our mother's death. It's very hard to believe that she's been dead for eight years now... One of those strange things? Her mother, Elsie (our grandmother), was born on January 6 (1903). Actually, it seemed right somehow that Mom died on her mother's bday... (I can't really figure why...)
In our family it was always tradition to leave Christmas 'up' until January 6/Little Christmas -- which was probably Grandma Elsie's tradition, continued by Mom.
Well, we got a lot of errands done yesterday (Sunday). Gassing the car, some shopping and so on. And after we were done (around 6:45) with the above-mentioned manicures (and pedicure), we went over to Marcia's to see her Christmas tree (well, trees), before she took it down.
Here are a few photos:
Marcia and me - in front of the tree
Marcia and Marilyn - in front of the tree
Marcia's (always red) tree -- the lights
(Sorry these are blurry! I'm not sure why that happened.)
Marcia always does a 'red' Christmas tree. Huge, with tons and tons of red lights and enormous ornaments. This goes in her living room. She always has another tree down in the family room, covered with tons and tons of wonderful ornaments from all over the world...
Speaking of photos, as I mentioned before, Tom gave us a floral arrangement. I never did get a picture of it when the flowers were still nice (!!!). But I took it apart today and discovered that there was a darling wooden sled as the base. So I put one bear in the sled and another pulling it. Isn't it cute? I'll be able to use the sled to decorate every year...
Today I took down the tree and packed it away. Henry appears to have badly broken a large, bottom branch, so we might need a new tree for next year. (sigh)
Speaking of Henry, both cats were so upset to see the tree go down! I feel bad for them. They really loved the tree... So, I've been taking down the decorations all over the house. (sigh) It seems like hard work -- more so than when I get them out, anyway.
Plus I've been making numerous website changes for work. Some of these have been very complicated, too. Work with the navigation again (server side includes -- hard to reason out), for one thing. One of our events has had a major name change, so I decided to have the subdirectories and navigation reflect this -- I'm not sure why, as it made tons more work for me!
All of my recent studying of Flash aside (well, three or four days and many hours, anyway), I still don't get it.
When I saw the references in the manual to layers (etc.), I thought maybe it might be somewhat similar to working with PSP -- but unfortunately it's not at all. For example, when you insert an object that's the same size as your Stage, apparently you don't have control over exactly where you place it. Nor can you move it around on the Stage after importing it. It just shows up on top of the Stage, but not lined up with it. (sigh) Maybe there is a way to do this, but as I said, I'm clearly not getting it! Ideally, I want to import images I've already designed -- then animate them a certain way (that's in my head). Meanwhile, I gave up in frustration, because I need to move on and get some actual work done! (Those days when I had loads of time to learn new things may come again, but I haven't been seeing them much during these past several months -- though I have learned a lot of new things, when I sit and think about it!)
So, I just ended up using PSP and AS3 to make an animated header/banner for the website. It's fine for now, but we'll certainly want to replace it with a Flash version at some point. (Maybe Whitehorse can do that...) Anyway, I do feel it's less 'busy' than before -- so that's a good thing. (smile) Hell, I'd never have guessed I could do all this last January. I recall when Marilyn
mistressmarilyn told me she wanted me to 'learn' PowerPoint... I'd never have guessed what we'd be capable of producing together during this past year!
Marilyn has a super-long day today (plus she had a lunch meeting). So I doubt she's had a break all day (even though she mentioned trying to take one last night). She was at work by 7:30 and won't be home for hours yet. (It's currently 7:30 p.m. here as I type this.) I should make dinner, as I figure she'll be tired out and in need of a decent meal...
Right now I have the living room still torn up (and badly in need of dusting and vacuuming) and the family room is pretty nearly the same. I need to do dishes, too. But I just want to get as much of it done as I can, because I work tomorrow...
I'd better get back to it, clearly!