Yes, I'm proud! This is the second year in a row that I've managed to get all her gifts wrapped and packed up so that she'll have her birthday package on-or-before her actual bday (May 22). Sandy's birthday is always easy to remember, because she and Mom shared the same day of the year...
You might not think this is worth being proud of, but considering everything else we're always doing during May, it's practically a miracle when I get her gifts to her in a timely fashion. In fact, I think last year -- and now this year -- are the only two times I've managed it in all the many, many years we've known Sandy!
So, go me! (grin)
(Hell, I may as well give myself props when I can. There have certainly been enough years that I didn't even get her the package by June!)
mistressmarilyn was great on TV this morning! (I hope her speaking engagement is going well...)
Aside from getting her package ready, I also wrote Sandy a two-page letter. Her cards, gifts and letter are all securely packed up and ready to go to the post office. In fact, I'd take off right now, except for one thing: It's currently ten to eight -- and the post office doesn't open until 8:30 a.m.! So why bike over there now and have to hang around waiting?
Speaking of being outside waiting, I guess it was pretty cold up in the Rose Gardens at Washington Park where they shot Marilyn's standups this morning!
Yesterday we were up to 86° (whew), but it's currently 49° (hell, it is early morning, after all). They're saying we'll be 15 degrees cooler than yesterday, though, for a high...
I was sweating like mad when I got back from my bike ride yesterday, I can tell you that! It was not only hot, but there was a bit of haze, so it was muggy, too. But I'm not complaining -- it could just stay this way from now until autumn, as far as I'm concerned!
Well, I think I'll wait until around 8:15 and then take off for the post office. (But I might need a jacket out there, as it's chilly...) Getting some morning exercise might be good for me, actually -- and it's a nice way to start off my day.
I've got a TON to do today, including coloring my hair.
In just over two weeks the Centennial festival will begin! How exciting (and daunting)...
God, there's so much to get done before then!!!