Can't Nap...

Dec 13, 2006 23:27

I just can't nap tonight, for whatever reason. My mind is just too wound up, I guess!

Our new furnace was installed yesterday and today. Tomorrow the guys will be back to put in the final new vent (in the hall by Marilyn's mistressmarilyn bathroom) -- and to attach the air conditioner unit that was set up in the back yard today. They put in the new vent in Marilyn's bedroom today -- along with finishing the install and putting in the new thermostat, which is the very latest model and quite fancy!

The Power-Vac people cleaned out all the air ducts yesterday. (I think I may have already mentioned that!) It's been very exciting, anyway.

They guys need to do some clean-up -- and I need to vacuum like crazy downstairs. I've already picked up several sharp shards of metal out of the carpet in the family room -- where I walk barefoot and Marilyn walks in stocking feet! That could be a major pain, obviously.

I need to be finishing my November 2,000 words, considering our Writing Circle is meeting here at the house tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m.! (yikes) I have a good start (around 1,300 words so far) -- but must finish it, pronto! I'd hate to be the only one who didn't have a finished work, after all...

Marilyn and I went shopping right after she got off work. She drove home and honked for me and I ran out to join her. We were both afraid if we waited until after dinner that we wouldn't want to go. Besides, we needed to shop for something to fix for dinner!

We bought eggnog and Seven-up so I can fix my eggnog recipe for drinks tomorrow. Plus we got mixer for the gin (which we were missing last time around), some Mike's Hard Lemonade, Hickory Farms sausage, chips, dip, cocktail rye bread and cheese. Plus pre-cooked meatballs we'll serve in Enchilada sauce (with melted cheese). After all, the guys will be coming directly from work and will be hungry. Hell, so will we! It should make for a mini-holiday party, as well as reading and discussion of our work.

Speaking of eggnog, I've got George Washington's recipe for the same. Wow, did that man like to put a lot of booze in his version! (grin)

I need to do the garbage and recycling (thinking of you, Dad, as always), which of course I couldn't get to during the hours before darkness. It's dark and raining out, but what the hell!

I want to try and decorate a little for Christmas before tomorrow night, too. We didn't dare do so before the furnace install -- and I'm so glad we changed our minds about putting up our tree last weekend! I don't know where we'd have moved it during all this. The spot we put it is one that had to be accessed more than once for cleaning the vents/ducts!!!

I need to both dust and vacuum the living room, too, by the way -- which is where we have company. The family room is downstairs -- and we rarely have people down there. We have our exercise equipment and older furniture down there -- and it's all very comfy and homey and wonderful. We generally eat dinner there, for example, while watching TV. We're quite lucky to have two fireplaces in our home -- one downstairs and one upstairs (in the family room and living room, respectively). We want to burn a log tomorrow night -- and fortunately we still have one, as we forgot to buy them while at the store!

Just like we forgot to buy dry cat food and tuna for the kitties! (yikes) Even though we managed to spend a quick $200... (sigh)

We're skipping Christmas gifts this year, due to the furnace purchase. We seriously can't afford it. But that's okay. We don't like to focus on the gifts, anyway.

Saturday we have the bday party of our friend Dennis. They'll have a live band and a dance floor, so it should be fun. He's a party dude of the first order... (grin) And we both love to dance, so...

Marilyn's Christmas lunch with the festival staff is Friday. I was trying to get together some friends for lunch (maybe at the Olive Garden) for the same day, but I don't know if I can quite pull it off. We'll see! No gift exchange -- just friends going dutch and visiting over pasta! (heh)

This entry is probably long enough -- and I should either get to the garbage/recycling or my 2,000 words! (Stalling, stalling.) I still don't like the Update page, but what can I do about it? (sigh)

My sister Sue sent me the funniest video today. Condi Rice and President Bush and their version of "Who's On First?" (Being a lifelong Abbott and Costello fan, I was delighted by it...) I'll have to share it at some point, I think!

writing-circle, 2006, new-furnace, december-2006, cleaning, christmas

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