Sister Sue and the Weekend...

Jul 17, 2017 23:59

Total aside: Marilyn and I were sorry to see Venus Williams lose at Wimbledon. But we were pleased to see Roger Federer win. Another year, another Wimbledon!

Marilyn's knee has been giving her a tremendous amount of pain. She had a hard time driving last week and this weekend -- and even getting in and out of the car was difficult. Of course, she had to be up and on the leg all during the week and only really got to rest it on Sunday (thankfully). But it does seem better today (Monday).

Saturday we'd been going to attend a picnic we were invited to, but ended up not doing that. We did take some food and drove to Champoeg park and had a picnic of two (just us, in other words). As children we used to go every year to Champoeg with our entire family -- Mom, Dad and sister Sue, yes. But Grandpa Ed, Aunt Dorothy, Uncle Butch, Aunt Helen and their whole family, Uncle Alfred, Aunt Beverly and their family and on and on. Plus many close family friends would be there! It was the celebration of the annual Steamboat Picnic, and Grandpa Ed was a member -- so we all turned out. What fun we used to have!

As we got older, especially, we were allowed to go out and play on all the many paths that ran through the large park. We'd just disappear for hours playing in the woods. We have very fond memories of Champoeg.

Anyway, we think we should go out there now and then and spend time. Why not?

Since getting the beach house, we focus a lot on going there, or being here at the Portland house. And there are so many places in the state of Oregon and nearby Washington where we can go.

Of course, we couldn't walk much because of Marilyn's poor knee. I'm so glad for her that the pain is less and the knee feels better. She's really been suffering.

And last week was a tough week for her!

We're adjusting to the changes in the office, which are many and have been difficult. There's so damn much to do. I'm not suggesting it's unfair. But this should be a slightly easier time of year, considering we've just finished up six-plus months of very difficult work when we're 'in season' and then during our festival. But with the layoffs things are hard. And that's all there is to it! Marilyn has very little support right now...

And there's a bunch of stuff I have to do, as well.

Anyway, I need to head to bed. It's nearly 1:00 a.m. and I have Donn coming in tomorrow. Kris was in today setting up our new 'Marketing' printer. Now I think we'll have to 'find' in on the Server and set the various computer to be able to print to it...

Plus we need to get Tanya's computer moved and the check reader set up tomorrow. (sigh)

It's enough to deal with all the passwords and settings and so on!

I still haven't set up Carol's new access which I'd planned to get done last week.

I didn't do my pills for the week today!!! What's wrong with me???

Marilyn and I did see sister Sue today!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went over to her house (she's been home with Candy recently) and took her to Starbucks. Then back to the house where we saw Candy. Marilyn is going to help Candy with her resume.

As ALWAYS, I've been stubbing my little toe on my left foot, yet again. I've done it so many times this year (and broke it at least once -- maybe twice). It's been giving me fits. I did it again a couple days ago and broke the nail right off it! Little wonder, I suppose. But boy does it hurt!!! I have no idea why that poor toe is always getting stubbed, but nothing I do seems to stop it!

I'm hung up on Coke Zero right now. Hahaha. Funny, huh? We normally drink a lot of Diet Pepsi -- or I drink Diet Dr. Pepper (especially Diet Cherry). Go figure.

Still eating a ton of cottage cheese. And we had corn on the cob (off the cob for Marilyn) for dinner tonight!

No sign of Hector and haven't been able to reach him. Our yard is a mess! (ugh)

Candy and Sue have no working furnace -- meaning no air conditioning -- at their house! Yikes. I can't imagine. No clue what they'll do about that. They're talking about selling the house...

Been playing a lot of zuma...

Marilyn told Sue to set up a doctor's appointment and she'd take her. And a hair appointment (her hair is very white and long -- she needs color and a cut bad!).

We seem to have issues being able to email from work to any Yahoo account. You have to be kidding me. Not again!!! That damn Mail Chimp. (sigh)

Better get to bed now! Work tomorrow.

Sweet dreams!

doctor-appointment, hector, corn-on-the-cob, work, yard, champoeg-park, food, marilyn, kris, festival, starbucks, candy, zuma, busy, toenail, sister-sue, pepsi, coke-zero, weekend, printer, 2017, marilyn-knee, mail-chimp, donn, email-issues, dinner, stubbed-toe, cottage-cheese, july-2017, drive, sue-furnace, picnic, hair-appointment

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