Happy Birthday, Mom. If she were alive, she'd be 93 this year. (She passed in January of 2000...) I suppose it's silly to bring it up, but I was thinking about her (and Dad) today.
Today was a long, long day. And a busy one! And I'm very tired tonight.
June told me she had leg cramps all night long. I was having them starting early in the morning and they were around on and off all day. (sigh) Oh well.
I did a bunch of festival work. Website stuff and IT stuff. I spent some time re-drafting the training check-list I use when working with new personnel. It needs some tweaking, but should be ready when I re-train Tashae on Wednesday.
I talked to June and use TeamViewer to help her with her computer.
I talked to Donn about work tomorrow.
I chatted with friend Shari for fun!
I called Hector about the yard (he's coming tomorrow -- yes, he did do the gutters).
I emailed the garbage service at the beach. No clue if that's fixed, or not.
I took out all the old food in the house (finally). And did a load of dishes.
Adeena took me shopping to Walgreens and Freddies. I got light bulbs (finally) and a bunch of stuff I really needed, including cat food and cat snacks! So important.
Adeena stayed until past 11:00.
Marilyn got home right around 11:00 from work and her massage therapy.
We have a BIG DAY tomorrow. I'm super tired tonight. I still need to go set up my pills. It takes around half an hour (and I can hardly see straight right now).
I was starved by the time Marilyn got home -- so was she! It was a pleasure to eat. I hadn't fasted for 24 hours like Marilyn, however! She's amazing...
It was HOTTER THAN HELL here today. Really miserable. I tried not to run the air conditioner too much, but I was sweating like crazy. Awful. Poor Marilyn was FREEZING downstairs, as running the AC makes it too cold downstairs while trying to cool it off a little upstairs. The hottest room in the house seems to be the office where I was working for hours...
Tomorrow is Mayor Harry Lane Day!!!!!!!!
I need to count out wristbands for people. And get Marilyn the list of Grand Floral Parade tickets, too!
I should get the Starlight Parade script to start editing tomorrow. Adeena was finishing it up tonight.
How can it be past 1:00 a.m.??? I just didn't get as much done today as I planned. (sigh)
I better go do the pills and search for my tee. And get to bed.