Marilyn got up early (leaving me to sleep) and went to Media Training for the new 2017 Court.
She woke me when she got home so I could gradually start stirring to get ready to head to Lois Ingala's 100th birthday party. She was already in her uniform, and I put on mine (as we were not only there as friends, but to represent the festival).
We both decided to get out the rings Lois had given us years ago and wear them. I'm so glad we did! We got to show them to many people at the event.
It was a lovely drive there in the sunshine! There was a good crowd which included the Prime Minister of the Royal Rosarians and his wife (Jim and Geneane) and several other Rosarians. We had brought along a huge poster-size photo of Lois with her Queen and court (from 1935), plus a big bouquet of roses we'd stopped and had made. So we joined the Rosarians as Jim 'crowned' Lois 'Queen for a Day.' (Kelley had provided a really beautiful crown for the occasion. She and her husband were really lovely people!)
Anyway, it went very well and we were both glad we were there. Lois has always been important to us. And this was a wonderful celebration.
After that we went to the liquor store. We wanted more watermelon flavored Margarita mix (with the alcohol inside), but our local store doesn't carry it. In fact, they only had two kinds that had the alcohol already inside. At the Seaside liquor store there are a TON of various bottles you can buy... But we got another type, then went to get takeout food for dinner.
We got Mexican to bring home. It made a nice dinner! And we were watching some Hallmark movies on TV, and then our usual METV stuff that starts at 6:00.
We did run to the store and picked up a few things for Easter. We've been good during Lent avoiding sweets (especially Marilyn!). So we don't really want to eat much of it, to tell you the truth. We'll take part of it to work for everyone to share.
And we've been playing our game on our iPads.
We decided not to go to the beach as we'd discussed because of my being sick. That was okay. We'll enjoy ourselves here at home. We hope to take a drive in the sunshine tomorrow.
And that was our Holy Saturday, as we await Easter Day...
Blessing and sweet dreams, friends!