What a Busy, Busy Day! Mostly Website Stuff...

Mar 30, 2017 22:52

I've been trying to knock out more of the Sanctioned Events items that need to be added to the website. We had it down to 11 items left to do. Then I finished two more -- one just a moment ago.

The fun thing? I made three header banners for three of the events and these took me only a few minutes to do. Like the old days when I used to get to make banners (etc.) all the time. So now we have nine more events to add. Two of these are mine, and another is an event Rich and I plan to do together.

But Calisa and I worked on some things together over the phone. That took about an hour this afternoon. So she's going to try jumping in to help Rich with some of his stuff.

I'd really like us to wrap as much up as we possibly can before April -- and that only gives us one more day! One of the events depends on whether or not Rich has the documents that are normally included from the people putting on the event (which he might NOT at this point). And a few of these are BRAND NEW EVENTS this year! So there's more work involved with those...

I had countless work-related phone calls today. And between working on the website and doing other festival-related work on the computer, I was mostly sitting in our home office all day long.

My right hip is killing me tonight. I guess it was just too much sitting in a less-then-comfy chair. Hahaha.

I have only 2,500 steps so far today. I got part of those by pacing while on the phone (which I try to do as much as possible). But in many cases I needed to talk while on my computer, so that didn't work. And I got some steps while working on the garbage and recycling...

Yes, today is real garbage day! I've got all the garbage and recycling out. But I still need to clean the cat boxes and put that out, and then do the composting. I should get to it soon!

I tried calling my dentist about my broken tooth (sigh), but I didn't phone early enough. They don't work Thursday afternoons. So I left a message and will try them again next week. At least it's not painful (unless I brush my tongue against it). Just annoying.

I did some minor edits to Rich's speech for Teri for the Saturday event. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as we've been hearing all week. Unfortunately it doesn't sound as positive as it was sounding. (sigh) It's an outdoor event, so it would be lovely if we didn't get rain.

Marilyn had a very rough day, I'm afraid. And she was tired out. I was mentioning how one of the people at work is always saying supportive things to me, and she was saying that she doesn't really have anyone like that. It made me feel sad for her. Just because she's one of the bosses, that doesn't mean she can't use support from others. And she looked SO GOOD today, too! Nice outfit, her hair looked fabulous and so on. But she said nobody said a word about her appearance, either.

Her new purse is making her very happy, which pleases me no end! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. She works so very hard.

I spent some time on the phone with Gail from the End of the Oregon Trail museum located in Oregon City. We were discussing the Oregon City event and the photos and Copy she'd sent me. At first I hadn't received any of her things -- but it turned out she'd typed in my email incorrectly! She was missing my last name initial in the email address. Just think how often that must happen, by the way...

I need to work on that page (which I promised to do during that meeting), but I just haven't had a second to start it -- and the Oregon City event is late in June. Most of our other events come sooner than that... I'm thinking I'll try to get to it this weekend. Maybe after the Dragon boat event.

I wanted to do more cleaning in the house, but there just wasn't enough time. And I didn't get a nap today, even though I was very tired in the late afternoon. I had planned to, but there was so much to do I just stuck with it.

I'm still having a sore throat and am a little bit stuffed up. But I'm not all out sick, thankfully! I absolutely want to be well -- and for Marilyn to be well -- for her upcoming birthday! It would be so wrong if either of us were sick then!

The cats have been so sweet and needy lately. Colin is quite the 'lap cat' with Marilyn. He even got on her in bed last night! She was very surprised, as he normally doesn't do that. He was so happy to see her when she finally got home from work tonight (late). She said she was chilled today. (I thankfully was not today -- but I was working hard to keep my feet warm!) It's hard for Marilyn because her office is hard to heat and also hard to cool...

Off to finish up my work so I can get ready for bed soon. Sleep well, my friends!

hip-pain, weather, 2017, sanctioned-events, sore-throat, work, henry-tudor-cat, oregon-city, marilyn, calisa, colin-kitty, march-2017, lap-cat, chilled, rich, gail-oregon-city, festival-website

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