Crazy Busy, Busy Day -- Festival Website AND IT!

Feb 17, 2017 23:59

The meeting I was supposed to be part of via phone didn't happen. But Rich told me things would be done the same as last year -- WHEN I PHONED TO ASK HIM. I guess otherwise I'd have been in the dark. (sigh)

IT issues for today? ALL the festival computers went down at one point! A DNS issue that Kris helped me to help MARILYN resolve (Christine had been unavailable at that point). Recycling the Sonic Firewall did the trick, thankfully...

Donn thinks his appraisal went well today -- I hope that's true! He won't get the results until next week...

My friend Shari and I talked several times. She had her procedure for the removal of her kidney stones very early this morning. She also got her cast off her arm yesterday. When she talked to me late in the day she was in quite a lot of pain from her procedure BUT they were refusing her pain medication. WTF??????? I don't understand that at all!!!

She and I were talking about Star Trek ("no kill I") and Netflix and so on. Fun!

Sue and I also chatted about whether she would come with Marilyn and me to the beach this weekend. We'll figure that out tomorrow...

Marilyn and Adeena had their concert directly after work (which is why I didn't go in today to the office). They saw David Duchovny performing with his band. Marilyn didn't get home here until around 11:00 p.m. (!!!). Good grief, that was one long damn day for her! After one long damn week...

I spent hours (and hours and hours) on the festival website today. I didn't quit until nearly 9:00 p.m. But I got many of the major pages updated -- at least I got them on the Calendar, that is. And we were at least a month behind, so hopefully that got us closer to where we should be. And if nothing else, told us what we need to concentrate on to do a better job.

It's really a team effort, and I rely help from others to do my part of the work. Rich, Calisa and Christine have especially been a huge help to me. But Marilyn is ALWAYS a big help. And Carol has been helpful, too...

I just counted and I sent out more than 40 (!!!) emails about the website today. Good grief! Talk about busy.

I didn't eat much today. A piece of cornbread. And Marilyn and I had sausage and crackers when she finally got home (she was starved, of course!).

I'm surprised by how stupid I am about the festival events for this year -- and our sponsors and all the dates. Wow, it's hard for me to do the website when I'm as uninformed as I appear to be. I think I need to spend more time at the office to compensate for this lack of knowledge...

On the other hand, there are simply elements of the website that others cannot do -- and that I need to do at this point. Anything multi-page remains in my purview (I had to fix a couple of such today, including the rose show and fleet week). I need to explain the procedure again to other team members when we have the chance to meet...

I can't think what else to share. I got no steps to speak of, as I spent almost the entire day sitting in front of the computer in my home office.

Time for bed. It's late. Good night and sleep well, friends.

netflix, medical-procedure, 2017, star-trek, long-week, donn, phone-meeting, appraisal, concert, long-day, adeena, christine, food, calisa, shari, kidney-stones, kris, long-hours, sonic-firewall, carol, computers-at-work, cast, pain, rich, meeting, server, february-2017, david-duchovny, festival-website

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