Intense, Long Day at the Festival Office -- IYSFF Tonight!

May 25, 2016 23:51

The feeling in the office today? It was as if it was the first day of festival. Considering that will be Friday, it's a bit too soon for that level of sensation...

Marilyn sent me over with our new staff person Tashae (Ta-Shay), Rich, Adeena (and I asked Donn along) to get Starbucks, saying she would come later -- then she and Steven came in as we were ordering, too. (The tradition is always to take new people to Starbucks before beginning training.)

There's no way to tell HOW BUSY I was all day long. But everybody was! While I began training with Tashae, Marilyn and Adeena went to City Hall. I talked to Jeff early in the day. And Donn was there to finish up his Profiles -- plus I had him doing yet ANOTHER Profile for another new Staff person (who I'll be training on Friday morning).

I was wrapped up with both IT and training until past 1:00 p.m. (when I finally sent Tashae off to get lunch).

Marilyn had gone to the Elmer's event, where the Court meets, greets and serves the public (she had a Rose Meal for her lunch). When she got back she and Adeena walked with me to get McDonald's.

I got my FREE Staff shirt -- everybody on Staff got a FREE shirt this year (which as far as I can remember has never happened before). And we all got FREE jackets (black this year). Plus both Marilyn and I got the red pullover (which Adeena had on today). It's very smart.

I spent AGES on the 'waterfront assistant' generic Profile! Tashae watched me as I repeatedly tried to reset the password! I finally had to give up and delete and re-create that Profile to get it to work!

Emma will use that Profile, just as Tashae is using 'staff accountant.'

I had to set up extensions and fix phones and work on the Server and on and on.

I got the Starlight Parade script for editing late in the afternoon and will start it first thing in the morning. And I have the Copy for the next eNewsletter for the Grand Floral Walk, too.

Rich and I finally got to meet late afternoon to work on the News item/Press Release that goes out tomorrow and covers this weekend (Friday through Monday!). We have a very busy four days coming up.

We left the office by 5:30 to head to the International Youth Silent Film Festival event at the Hollywood Theatre, which was slated to start at 7:00. Adeena paid for dinner for the three of us, pizza and drinks at Atomic Pizza (which is next door to the venue). Then we got popcorn at the event and sat with Christine and her son Zander (I was between Zander and Adeena).

Marilyn and I LOVE going to events with Christine and Zander and Adeena! Very nice!!!

The IYSFF event didn't actually start until 7:30!!! WTF? If they say they're starting at 7:00, they should start at 7:00.

The films they showed were amazing. And the top three winners for this region were announced tonight and were amazing!!! But we enjoyed all the films!

We were home by 10:00 p.m. and dead tired. Marilyn and I both fell asleep briefly during the show, we were so tired. It was a long and so busy day, after all.

We had a message from sister Sue that she needed four more wristbands (for a total of 34 -- that's a lot, in case I haven't been clear about that). She asked me to call her, so I did (even though it was very late). Somehow she's going to try and get them from me tomorrow...

Kris was in today and I had a long meeting with him (I hadn't seen him in some time). Hopefully he can help me with my current IT issue. (sigh) I'll keep nagging him about it, anyway.

I'm more than ready for bed now! So even though this is a sketchy outline of my day, it will have to be good enough!

Almost forgot to mention: The Souvenir Program came today! It's amazing! And we have it up at our website this year for the very first time ever!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow.

Good night!

tashae, zander, wristbands, news, elmers, adeena, christine, food, marilyn, souvenir-programs, kris, mcdonald's, emma, exchange, it-manager, starbucks, staff-jacket, tired, it-related, rose-meal, meeting, gfwalk, sleep, festival-website, sister-sue, city-hall, phones-at-work, training, lunch, atomic-pizza, popcorn, gfw, donn, pizza, dinner, editing, iysff, script, enewsletter, computers-at-work, starlight-parade, hollywood-theatre, steven, rich, server, profiles, staff-shirt

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