Well, my vertigo kicked in full steam in the middle of the night. Actually, I've been having headaches, which I never do normally. It's generally a sign of vertigo for me. That, and a stiff neck. I drank champagne at "Newsies" because I was already going there (and alcohol often helps me to deal). But sitting sideways to the stage may have made things worse. It's hard to know for sure...
Anyway, I stayed home today and took Meclizine, which works pretty well for my vertigo -- but knocks me on my ass! I get so sleepy and dopey that I barely make sense. Hahaha. Actually, I spend a bunch of time sleeping or lying around (and sitting around) out of it. So I didn't get much work done today. Too hard to concentrate, I'm afraid.
Donn went in to the office and got some things done, anyway. Good for him! We've got several IT-related projects that need to be done.
I guess everyone at work now knows the personnel news, so I can say that Ariel (with the sales department) resigned yesterday. We're never happy when someone decides to leave between March and the end of June (really BAD timing at the festival). But I guess you can't do much about it. It used to be that employees of the festival wouldn't THINK of departing during this time of year. But times change and so does the way people view these things.
(It reminds me that Marilyn was offered another job this same time of year -- and she told them CLEARLY that she would NEVER leave the festival when it would have such a serious impact on them.)
I did actually start the process to create a new blog that's going to be a How To for Seniors -- like I discussed yesterday. It won't be worth going to until I get some entries up there that are helpful. But later on I'll probably link it here at this blog, in case anyone wants to check it out.
For all I know there are many other such references out there. But I guess another one can't hurt anything. I'm not out to do anything but provide some help for those who need it, after all.
But while I was at it, I thought it might give me a chance to learn more about WordPress, so I created it with WordPress. Right now I'm using free hosting -- and it's very, very limited. But if I end up using this, I think it could be worth spending the $60-some a year to get it hosted so I'd have more real control. That's when I can really make some customizations to the template. Anyway, we'll see how that goes. Hahaha.
I hope I'm making sense, because I'm goofy tonight. Marilyn is napping after dinner and I'm heading for a nap, too. My neck is STILL really stiff. (sigh) But I'm not as dizzy as I was earlier in the day. I think. Hahaha.
I did talk briefly to both sister Sue and friend June. But I never even phoned Rich to tell him I wouldn't be able to meet with him today! Gosh.
Tonight was Living History at a senior residence. I guess the seniors in attendance just loved it! And they loved when Angel sang the Rosie song. So they asked for another song after, and Angel and Marilyn sang By the Light of the Silvery Moon. We need to go back there sometime and do a sing-along. Marilyn and I used to go visit Dad when he was in a facility and sing to him, and the other seniors would gather around to listen...
When you're able to sing, it is a gift you should share, if you can. If one of us played guitar, it would be easier -- having music to go with the vocals. Oh well.
Off to nap. I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. Sweet dreams!