Marilyn left the house VERY EARLY today! (She had a 7:00 meeting at the office: GFP Creative Team.)
I was dead to the world when she left. I got up around 7:30, and went right to work! I had an email from Carol sending me the images for the revolving header banner at the website. So I logged in to the festival website and got right to putting them up (which was quick work, if I do say so myself!).
Next I started preparing for the princess announcement, which was at 9:30 today. We were putting up the information prior to 10:00 a.m.
I answered emails and did other necessary work. And then I started focusing on the coding of the Rose Cup web pages for the 'fake' website, which I wanted Kim and Chris to see right away (they're who we're handing the website over to). I didn't get that done until around 2:30/3:00 in the afternoon.
It's actually been WONDERFUL to have hands-on with coding again. I don't get much opportunity to do that anymore, I must admit. Nobody much codes the way I used to, of course. That's okay. I get it. But it's still a lot of fun to do! (smile)
(If you're interested, you can view the site
here. Nothing very fancy, but it's certainly functional, at least...)
Adeena met with Marilyn and Angel today and they all went to lunch (at the Turkey Place!). After that she came over here and she and I went to Starbucks (where she very kindly paid!). We had a long, long chat. It was lovely!
Then she dropped me off and headed home. I was trying to find out if Marilyn and I were going to dinner with Arthur and his husband William (it had been in the works for a spell), but Marilyn was still at the office. We were supposed to meet them at 6:00, and she was there past 7:00 tonight!
When she got home we decided to go for Chinese at our local place. Then I phoned Jeff about joining us. Originally he was almost home, so he said no. But he'd left his wallet at the office, so he had to come back across the river (he lives in Vancouver). So he decided to join us! We all ate and had some Bud Lights and a long, lovely visit! I'm glad it worked out so we could be together. We chatted about work, but other stuff, too. Very fun.
After Marilyn and I drove directly over to the Marquis Piedmont, to see sister Sue. This is actually just off Lombard (just off MLK). (It's on Russell, but that's not a street we'd automatically know out here -- the way we know Lombard and MLK.) It's the place where our Dad was at one point -- yet entirely different! This place is wonderful facility. Very clean. Nice people working there. Nicely decorated. Double rooms, with TWO TVs (I'm so happy about that!!!). Her room is actually nicer than her hospital room, I think. (You don't want to hear the horror stories about that place from when Dad was there...)
We only had a short visit, as it was so late (and we were both tired). But Sue seemed quite GOOD. And she likes it there. Interestingly enough, her roommate is from the same park on Hayden Island that Sue is from! And her last name is Sue. It was great to see her settled there and know that she was in as nice a place as I've seen. (Mom and Dad were in several back in the day, and most weren't as lovely as this!)
I was relieved that they had TV! It used to be that these places only had TV in a main room or two -- and none in the individual rooms. I can't say how many times we drug TVs (big and small) into nursing homes (etc.), then had to have cable installed or turned on! It was difficult AND expensive! We often had to get phones put in, too. Of course, that's less of an issue now with everyone having cell phones (which thankfully Sue does have). But they also have phones there!
Larry (ironic, yes?) the head night nurse was LOVELY to talk with -- and very helpful. He said we could call any time we wanted to check on her. I was really impressed. It's really a load off to know she's happy and comfortable there.
Plus this is perfect for us to visit her, as it's VERY close to our house! We plan to go over there tomorrow, too.
I did have a lovely chat via phone with my friend June. Poor thing! That flu is very nasty. But she's keeping a wonderful attitude, even so.
This has been a hugely BUSY and very LONG week -- but a successful one.
It was nice to end the week with a chat with June, a visit with Adeena, dinner with Jeff and seeing sister Sue settled in!
By the way, I got my 4,000 steps for today (not sure HOW). And I'm still pleased about my 10,000 steps yesterday. I looked it up, and the last time I had 10,000 steps was back in August!!!
We need to get BOTH manicures and pedicures this weekend (NOT looking forward to that!).
I'm probably forgetting things I wanted to share. I'm TIRED. I'm looking forward to going to bed. Good night, my friends!